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  • The Kingdom of Ravaryn

    Ravaryn is the third largest country within Odiria in terms of size and encompasses much of the northern hemisphere. The extremely rich kingdom is ruled by a monarchy which operates under the rule of a King and/or Queen. The current ruling family has been the same royal bloodline that has been ruling the kingdom since its founding. The church and its priests have a big influence within Ravaryn, probably the strongest religious influence of all kingdoms. The High Priest is chosen from the kingdom's most devoted priests. Considering the harsh circumstances in which the kingdom has been thriving for centuries the people of Ravaryn are mostly viewed as mysterious. The people of Ravaryn have an immense sense of loyalty, however, both towards their rulers and their patron deity. Aside from the black bear being their way of symbolising their patron, it is common amongst the other citizens in the realm to refer to Ravaryn as wolves, viewing them as the lone wolves of the realm.

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    The Lemurian Alliance

    Surrounded by the sea and its charm, the Lemurian Alliance that once bore the name of The Lemurian Kingdom, thrives in its newfound method of reign. The former monarchy now led by a trustworthy council is the first of the four kingdom's to take this step. Led by the heads of five important families closest to the ruling family, Lemuria is seen as the most peaceful of the four kingdoms. Their former capital Lythrania is one of the most breathtaking landmarks within Odiria. Hidden within the Sanguine Sea, the underwater city of Lemuria is a sight to behold. A magical barrier has been cast upon its founding and has been providing the citizens of Lythrania with oxygen for decades. Beside the capital, Lemuria consists of several other cities and villages surrounding the Sanguine Sea.

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    The Fallen Kingdom Avalon

    Once part of the Odirian Kingdoms, Avalon has changed into a wilderness of ruins and danger and is often referred to as ''The Savage West". The ruins that were once considered neutral territory have now been fairly recently claimed by three determined, but dangerous tribes. The White Stag Tribe, The Blue Moon Tribe and the Lost Serpent Tribe. The tribes consist mostly descendants of the former Avalon citizens that managed to survive the "Crimson Raid". The people of the tribes are considered savages, while not much is known about them. Those who sought to observe the tribe never came back to tell the tale. The ones who do come back from their journeys to Avalon have been lucky enough to not have encountered them.

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    The Kingdom of Xaila

    At the southern part of Odiria, hidden behind the Infernal Wilds lies the kingdom of Xaila. Gifted to the sun elves during the founding of the four kingdoms, they've managed to survive, prevail and even thrive within the desert's tough circumstances. Xaila consists of one large capital city and several villages surrounding it. Each of the villages belongs to one of Xaila's desert tribes, and are often not as easily accessible as Xaila's capital. Xaila's expertise lies within the astronomy skill. By reading the stars they have been able to find their way through the desert for ages.

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    The Ashmoor District

    The Ashmoor District is by far the most advanced area within the realm of Odiria. Technology wise, they are many steps ahead of the rest of the realm. While Odiria's original inhabitants have the ability to wield magic, the Ashmoor District prides themselves in their steam-powered society. Ruled by the iron fist of the aristocratic Winter family they've managed to start their own, small empire. Both Odirians and magic are forbidden within the district. These laws are strictly enforced and aren't taken lightly, especially by the church.

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