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  • Guidebook
    Your adventure starts here
    Welcome to Odiria!
    In a realm divided by conflict, four traditional kingdoms and one technologically advanced district struggle to co-exist in peace. While nature suffers the consequences of the steam-powered society, the Odirian kingdoms have some ancient conflicts among themselves to be solved as well. Ashmoor's resources have become more scarce with each day passing. To further develop their technologies they've now come up with a new solution: the use of sacred Odirian magic. Will they succeed in harvesting the one thing the Odirians tried to hard to protect? And will the Odirian Kingdoms be able to set aside their own conflicts in order to defeat their common threat? Who's side will you choose? ONLY TIME WILL TELL..

    Welcome to the realm of Odiria! We are a play by post, high fantasy, mediaeval meets steampunk, d&d inspired that's aimed towards both Dutch and English roleplayers to explore. We offer a world in which, despite its existing lore, is plenty of space for member influence. The site welcomes roleplayers of all levels of experience, so even if you're totally new to this kind of roleplaying this is the perfect place for you to start! We're aiming towards making this a community where roleplayers —no matter their level of experience— are able to creatively plot with their characters and other members, and participate in various site-wide events. Only those who wish to play a high rank are bound to monthly activity checks, but the rest of the members don't have to worry about their character losing their spot in the RP when remaining inactive for a while. We do not have a specific word-count, but we encourage RP'ers to write something that contains enough information for a fellow RP'er to respond to.


    Time Will Tell is a site targeted towards both English and Dutch roleplayers. Since a majority of the members speak both Dutch and English, things like posts, threads, applications, OOC posts and such are allowed to be written in both English and Dutch. Every piece of information you'll need to understand in order to RP here, however, is written in English so that everyone has a chance to join in on the fun! That's why important site related threads will be fully written in English as well. Keep in mind that as soon as we notice a bunch of English speaking RP'ers joining the site this could change. We will, however, always accept Dutch IC posts and threads as some people aren't just really comfortable in writing in another language than they're used to.


    Even though there's room for plotting and chatting on the site itself, we highly recommend joining our discord server! Not only is this a perfect chance to get to know your fellow RP'ers a little better and make the plotting easier, but you'll also be the first ones to be notified of any updates regarding the forum.

    We hope you have fun reading through the Guidebook and enjoy your stay here on Time Will Tell! If you have questions about anything do not hesitate to shoot one of the staff members a message.

    - Love, the TWT staff ♥️