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  • General Information
    Everything about the realm
    Odiria is the magical continent residing within the seas and oceans where the story of Time Will Tell takes place. It is divided into five countries: four kingdoms and one district, each claiming a chunk of land as their own. Each allegiance lives their life dedicated to their patron deity. This section of the guidebook covers the setting, seasons, moons and their constellation, the calendar of notable days and the notable days itself.


    Odiria's setting in terms of modernisation and evolution varies with the region we're talking about. The four kingdoms can be compared to a mediaeval fantasy setting, with the latter having the most influence. The common tongue, Odiria’s language, is spoken by all, but elves are also known to speak elvish with one another. Please note that gunpowder hasn't been invented yet, so weaponry is the same in all of Odiria.

    The setting within Ashmoor can be compared to the Eighteenth Century (1700 - 1799) and is associated with more of a Georgian and steampunk aesthetic. Ashmoor has developed and distinguished themselves from the kingdoms with their —often— steam powered inventions. One of their biggest inventions include the several steam powered trains which are able to transport the Ashmoorians through several locations within Alderrath. Another thing they've been developing are medical prostheses, since Ashmoor does not have any form of healing magic.

    Since electricity hasn't been invented yet the light source used in Odiria is fire. In Avalon the main source of light is campfires & torches. In Lemuria, Ravaryn and Xaila torches are also used outside. Inside they use fireplaces, candles and oil lamps. Xaila has the advantage of sun magic, so light can be produced in this way. In Ashmoor you'll find more oil lamps & oil lamp posts (in combination with torches) in the richer parts and near the harbour. In the less wealthy parts & in the countryside people still use torches as a main source of light.

    Odiria, with the exception of Ashmoor, embraces a culture of gender inclusivity, where women actively occupy various positions of power, and Xaila stands out as a kingdom particularly supportive of female leadership. In Ashmoor, change seems afoot now that Alison Winter is the heir to Ashmoor.


    In the land of Odiria the seasons are named differently than in ours. Each Odirian deity was given a season to rule over. One year within the realm would be split into four seasons. Adelia would rule the season of Bloomtide. Xeion would rule Sunpeak. Lythrana would rule the season of Greenwilt. Frostcrown would be ruled by the twins, Raanan and Renestrae. While every sibling agreed to this decision, the twins didn’t find themselves quite satisfied yet. Having to share a ruling period meant that either of them still had to compensate to fit the ideals of the other. The season of Frostcrown would be split into two, making Nightreign, the season of death and despair, the final and closing season of the year.

    • Bloomtide (Spring) - a season where fertility would be at its peak and nature blooming at its fullest, ready to create new life everywhere within the realm
    • Sunpeak (Summer) - a season of warmth and reflection
    • Greenwilt (Autumn) - a season for the transition where seeds that had peaked would make way for the last phase of the year
    • Frostcrown (Winter) - a season of hope and remembering loved ones
    • Nightreign (Midwinter) - a season of death and despair, the transition to new beginnings

    While the people of the Odirian Kingdoms refer to the seasons with the names above, the people of Ashmoor don't. Instead, they use the traditional Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Nightreign or Midwinter didn't exist within their perception of the seasons for a long time, until they started to build their religion around Renestrae after the event of "The first Asmoorian Priest''. Ever since then both Ashmoor and the Odirian Kingdoms recognize the season of Midwinter as an actual season.


    In the lands of Odiria the month system works a little differently than in ours. The months are counted by the moon cycle and named as such. Each of the names of the moons reflects a certain event or practice that is common during that time of year. The moons and their names are listed here, as well as the season they fall under.

    • The Wolf Moon (January) - Frostcrown/Nightreign - The Raven
    • The Ice Moon (February) - Nightreign - The Vulture
    • The Storm Moon (March) - Bloomtide - The Stag
    • The Growing Moon (April) - Bloomtide - The Archer
    • The Hare Moon (May) - Bloomtide - The Vixen
    • The Mead Moon (June) - Sunpeak - The Empress
    • The Hay Moon (July) - Sunpeak - The Ruler
    • The Corn Moon (August) - Sunpeak - The Hunter
    • The Harvest Moon (September) - Greenwilt - The Twins
    • The Shedding Moon (October) - Greenwilt - The Serpent
    • The Snow Moon (November) - Greenwilt - The Black Widow
    • The Cold Moon (December) - Frostcrown - The Bear


    Similar to the zodiacs within our world Odiria has their own constellations. Your character's date of birth determines which constellation will guide them through their life and which lessons they will have to learn within said life. It is said that one's soul has to live through all the twelve constellations in twelve lifetimes as an intelligent species, and learn all of their lessons before they can claim their eternal peace and rest. This belief goes hand in hand within their belief of reincarnation. Some Odirians have a stronger belief towards one's constellation than others but the common sayings about each constellation are known to all. The people of Ashmoor also know of these constellations, but do not believe in them as heavily as the Odirian kingdoms. They often use them to joke about someone's personality traits or to tease them. Hover over the constellation images for a little surprise!

    The Raven
    The Raven, as mysterious as he's often believed to be, is only visible during the harsh nights of Nightreign. Those born under the Raven's gaze are the ones that have some of the tougher roads ahead. Beside being the more mysterious types, they can appear to be cold and bitter to some. Their behaviour is often the result of the hardships that their life has already thrown towards them, a way of guarding themselves and their true feelings. They are meant to learn how to forgive both others and themselves, and how to let their guard down at times.
    "The raven spread out its glossy wings and departed like hope."
    The Vulture
    Those born under the gaze of the Vulture are often referred to as 'scavengers', and are regularly frowned upon by some. They are believed to feed on another's success, to keep their friends close but their enemies closer. They are often envious; followers that would rather lead than follow. They need to learn to be content with the life they lead, and that power isn't everything this world has to offer.
    "Don't play dead with a vulture. That's exactly what they want."
    The Stag
    The Stag represents wisdom and tranquillity. Those born under the Stag's gaze are often natural peacemakers. They have strong morals and values and often a close connection to nature. Their presence can change the atmosphere within a room in an instant, leaving everyone with seconds thoughts about their conflict or anger. Their weakness, however, lies within their passive personality. They are meant to learn how to be more assertive, to stand up for themselves and to engage in conflict when needed.
    "My feet will tread soft as a stag in the forest. My mind will be clear as water from the sacred well."
    The Archer
    The Archer is known as the strategist of the constellations. While on the hunt, each step must be cautiously calculated and each arrow carefully aimed, before shooting his shot. He is an intellectual at heart. While the Archer is the brain of the constellations, his weakness lies within thinking too much. They need to learn how to go with the flow, to not calculate every action they take.
    "The archer is the true weapon; the bow is just a long piece of wood."
    The Vixen
    The Vixen represents a fox. She is swift and fierce, intelligent and cunning. A trickster as some might call her. Those born under the gaze of the Vixen rely on their intelligence more than on their psychical strength. They're often more introverted and observing than others, but just as strong in their own way. They are meant to learn to release grudges, to survive in a world ruled by strength, but to not succumb to the temptation of bitterness.
    "The Vixen changes her fur but not her habits."
    The Empress
    Sometimes referred to as the Mother or the Lady, the Empress represents kindness and respect, fertility and motherhood. Those born under the gaze of the Empress are loving and caring beings, but certainly not as weak as some expect them to be. When protecting or fighting for those dear to their hearts they transform into sharp, fierce and sometimes even somewhat cold warriors. They are meant to learn not to put aside their own issues and needs in order to fix someone else's, so they can take care of themselves first.
    "The heart of the empress is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness."
    The Ruler
    The Ruler is a strong-minded, responsible and often respected individual. They have a strong sense of justice, and won't hesitate to take measures into their own hands when needed. Many leaders of some sort were born under the gaze of the Ruler, hence why those with this constellation guide are often believed to achieve great things. Their weakness lies within their doubt of others. They’d rather be in charge of everything than to take a moment to listen to their companions or loved ones. They are meant to put themselves in a position to take others advice, to sometimes follow rather than lead.
    "Those who are to be a good ruler must have first been ruled."
    The Hunter
    The Hunter is meant to represent the head of a wolf: the hunter at the top of the food chain. Those who were born under the Hunter's gaze are believed to be brave and bold creatures. Some may even say they can come across as a little arrogant every now and then. These people are focused on their goals, achievements and what's truly important to them. Once they devote themselves to something they won't stop until it is achieved or die trying. They are meant to learn how to slow down, to enjoy the world around them and to listen.
    "Be the hunter, not the hunted."
    The Twins
    The Twins represent two sides of the same individual, some may even be a little two-faced. Those born under the gaze of the twins often find themselves before a crossroads of some sort. Their life may consist of several big and important decisions. It is up to them to make the right choices. They are meant to learn to quickly cut the knot, to not linger in indecisiveness forever.
    "Two faces of the same person who are never able to meet."
    The Serpent
    Those born under the gaze of the Serpent always seem to easily find their way through life. They slither through hard situations and harsh conditions, seemingly always lucking out. It is easy to be envious of these people, but slipping through life means that it is hard for them to find their footing and build a foundation. They are meant to look around at the things they have and realise that they can't do everything on their own.
    "Envy, the meanest of vices, creeps on the ground like a serpent."
    The Black Widow
    Black Widows are known as sensual, confident and manipulative creatures that will throw their charm and charisma into play everytime they desire something. The master manipulators may seem like they are your best friend or the spouse of your dreams, but don't be fooled by their soft words and silk skin. As soon as you are no longer of value to them they dispose of you on the spot. They are meant to not let their confidence rule over them, to be mindful of the feelings they hurt and the hearts they shatter.
    "Black widows may be powerful predators, but every predator is somebody else's prey."
    The Bear
    The Bear represents a strong individual, one who travels through life alone rather than belonging to a pack of some sort. While often on their own, the Bear is a loyal and strong protector to the few within his small circle. When protecting their loved ones their brute strength comes into play. They are meant to learn to trust and rely on others more; that the world has more to offer than solitude.
    "The Bear lifts you so you can see all the Earth. He says you may jump high among the cliffs, and live forever."

    Calendar of notable days

    Odiria has several festivities tied to the moon's cycle. Some celebrate one's birthday, while others celebrate the start or ending of a season. The dates below are a few important dates within Odiria:

    • 14th day of The Ice Moon - Feast of Starlight within Lemuria (Silvercrest)

    • 21st to the 23rd day of The Mead Moon - Festival of the Phoenix within Xaila (Al-Qahil)

    • 11th day of The Hay Moon - Masked ball at the Winter palace (Edward's birthday) within Ashmoor (Alderrath)

    • 22nd to the 24th day of The Harvest Moon - Luna Moth Festival within Lemuria

    • 28th to the 31st day of the Cold Moon - Festival of Frostcrown within Ravaryn (Ishgard)

    Notable Days


    The Feast of Starlight takes place on the 14th night of the Ice Moon (during the Neightreign season) in the city of Silvercrest. Its purpose is to celebrate the light of the stars that accompany the moon. The citizens look toward new beginnings during the season of death and despair. It is a night of togetherness, friendship and love. A ball is held in the castle of the Governor, with an invitation to all. It is infamous for being the one night a year when the Aerendyls open their glorious home. It has been a longstanding tradition ever since the start of the Aerendyl rule over Silvercrest and draws in many citizens of the city, but many others from surrounding villages and even Moonbright as well. As Frostcrown and Nightreign are never really harsh in Lemuria, the temperature is quite comfortable during this celebration.

    The Feast of Starlight starts late in the day, right before sunset. It is customary for the Governor to give a speech as the sun goes down, hailing in the moon and the stars. After this, the ball commences. The ballroom has been decorated with all kinds of winter flowers, such as snow bells, heathers and the infamous Lemurian ornamental cabbage. A feast of food and drink can be found at grand tables, courtesy of the Aerendyl family. The castle gardens and ballroom are open for the guests to roam free and watch the night sky. A path has been lit up by tiny lights all the way down to Lake Celestia, where one can step into a boat to watch the twinkling stars above with a loved one.


    The Festival of the Phoenix is the yearly celebration of Xeion's period of reign and starts on the morning of the 21st day of The Mead Moon. It is a festival dedicated to their patron deity, but also a time for the people of Xaila to connect with one another. Officially the festival lasts for three days, but all of Sunpeak is considered a period worthy of celebration to the people of Xaila.

    The first day - Xeion's awakening
    Preparations for the day include decorating the city, preparing lots of food, cleaning yourself thoroughly, dressing within your finest clothing and gathering you and your family's supplies for the making of their wreaths at the celebration. On the 21st day of Sunpeak the citizens of Xaila get up before sunrise, gathering at Xeion's main temple within Al-Qahil. It is tradition for the tribes to travel towards the capital for this day as well, and they are welcomed open heartedly, no matter the relation between the royal family of Al-Qahil and the Chieftains at that particular moment. The crowd gathers around the temple, all bringing colourful tapestries with them to lay down on the ground and take place upon. On these tapestries they pray in silence, faced towards the temple and the ever burning flame. Their prayer is led by the High Priest. They pray until dawn breaks through the night sky and the constellations make place for Xaila's powerful deity. The High Priest ends their prayer when the sun is fully visible, and announces the start of the celebration. The people of Xaila will then take a moment to greet one another and wish each other a blessed Sunpeak season.

    The celebration starts an hour before dawn after the prayer. Around that time, the city transforms into a paradise containing many colourful food stands, circles of people sharing stories, and most importantly, those of the family who have been chosen to create this years' wreath. Each year, one specific person from a family is chosen to create its wreath. These chosen family members gather in front of the main temple to sit down and craft their wreath's together. Wreaths are special decorations to be hung on one's front door, showing their respect to their patron and thanking them each day of his ruling period. Crafting your family's wreath is a great honour, and must be performed with utter care. Wreaths are often created using twigs and several types of desert wildflowers like desert marigold, dried golden sun cups and the apache plume. As the finishing touch, something of pure gold must be added. Whether it's a pendant, necklace or some other decoration. After the wreath's have been finished, the family members are allowed to join in on the dancing, drinking and eating that will last until dusk.

    The second day - The day of resting
    Like the name suggests, the second day is a resting day. Everyone, except for those with crucial jobs like the Crimson Dawn for example, gets a resting day off from their daily duties. Markets are closed and shopkeepers sleep off their hangovers from the night before. Those who need the resting day the most, are those participating in the final day's ritual within the Sun Ring. They will need their strength most of all.

    The third day - A warrior's honour
    The third day plays an important part within the festival. Strong warriors or soldiers from several families are invited to participate within a special performance. The performance takes place within the Sun Ring, where the chosen warriors will mount mighty horses for a showcasing of their skills. In total there are three groups who will be performing. Those who are trained within the arts of the spear, those who have been taught the way of the bow, and those who have dedicated themselves to the throwing of battle axes. They perform their skills on several targets wooden within the arena. After the three performances, the Queen grants one warrior of each expertise the honour of showing their skills on real targets. The three chosen warriors will then take on three traitors from the Xailan dungeon underneath the castle. Losing to these traitors is one of the biggest dishonours, comparable to losing within your proving. After having executed the traitors, the three warriors are honoured and offered three special cloaks. These cloaks are woven within the Xailan colours and decorated with small pieces of gold. They are allowed to wear the cloaks for the rest of the day during another celebration similar to the first night, until the sun goes down again.


    The Duke's Masked Ball is a yearly festivity which falls on the current Duke's day of birth. In the case of Edward Winter, it is held on the 11th day of The Hay Moon. All of Ashmoor's Middle- and Upper Ring citizens are welcome to join in on the festivities, as long as they can afford a worthy costume. Everyday attire is not allowed. The visitors are obligated to dress within the fanciest of suits and dresses, paired with a notable, matching mask. The Duke's Masked Ball goes hand in hand with a fancy dinner, and is often the perfect occasion for families to scout worthy suitors for their daughters of marrying age. There will be traditional dancing on live music, and lots of opportunities for conversation. After the ball, it is also not unusual for after parties to be hosted secretly, often somewhere within a random guest's house or on their property.


    The Luna Moth Festival is a three nights long festival, starting on the 22nd day of The Harvest Moon. This festival introduces the season of Greenwilt, and is all about the value of life and family. The Winged Moon Ball is held in the city of Moonbright.

    The first Night - Silk Night
    On the first night of the festival, it is tradition to visit your loved ones final resting place. Purple pupae pins can be worn on clothing and represent the loss of a recent loved one. Instead of flowers the family usually brings a self woven blanket to the grave with a depiction of achievements that happened that year. It’s tradition to shortly tell stories about said ‘blanket’. Richer families usually don’t make these blankets themselves but hire a skilled craftsman or women to make them.

    The second night - Night of the Pupae
    On the second night of the festival, the living family is celebrated. Families get together from all across the land. Everyone brings a homemade meal and together they spend the night eating and sharing stories.

    The third Night - Winged Moon Night
    On the third night, the Winged Moon Ball takes place in Moonbright. This is all about the future of the family. This is also a common night for marriages to be arranged or pregnancies to be announced. Adults that are engaged wear a bright blue luna moth pin. At first nightfall, luna moths, which have been bred with the most care and attention, are released into the night sky. Moon mages cast an illuminating illusion spell on them before release, so that the sky is decorated with their glowing, blue wings. After this event there is mostly dancing, singing and drinking, eating and such until sunrise. The day after is seen as a resting day.


    This Ravarian festival is all about celebrating the new year: after darkness comes light. Without death, there could be no period of hope, rebirth and renewal. This festival honours the Odirian deities, and in particular Raanan as his blessing is needed for a fruitful next year. The entire festival takes place in Ishgard and lasts four days.

    The first three days - Raanan’s Markets
    On the 28th of the Cold Moon, the festival starts and people from all over the country arrive. For three days the city of Ishgard hosts a market filled with goods galore. The people from the city set up shop in the biggest streets of the capital to showcase their craft. In these stalls you can find everything you wish for: food, toys for the children, jewellery and other memorabilia. It is not uncommon to buy a gift for a loved one, to give to them during the last night of the festival. At night, fire pits are lit up and people gather with a warm drink to talk about their day.

    The fourth night - the Twilight Ball
    On the last night of the festival, the 31st of the Cold Moon, the Twilight Ball takes place. The royal Ylindar family opens the doors of their palace to everyone who wants to partake in the festivities of this night. Only the garden and the ballroom are open to the public. The grand hall of the palace is decorated with branches of pine trees, winter flowers and the most beautiful red fabric to worship and please the Odirian Deities. The tables are filled with an abundant amount of food and wine and people are dancing all night long. The visitors of this ball are dressed to the nines in their most beautiful gowns and suits.

    All throughout the garden, the grand ballroom and the hallways there are secret boughs of mistletoe, tied together by a beautiful ribbon, hanging from the ceiling. It is tradition that when a couple is standing underneath these, no matter who they are or where they might come from, they must share a tender kiss.

    At midnight, the King of Ravaryn announces the next year. Together with the Crown Princess, he also picks the Festival King and Queen: the two guests who are the best-dressed. These two people are given the honour of dancing the first dance of the new year.