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  • Odirian Races
    Everything about Odiria's Races
    A magical realm like Odiria wouldn't feel as magical without her many kinds of different races. Within this page of the Guidebook, every playable race will be listed and explained. Keep in mind that almost every race is bound to a certain type of magic. After reading through this page, make sure to read the MAGIC page carefully as well!
    Human Races


    While the plain old human race is mostly found within the Ashmoor District, they're not non-existent within the rest of Odiria. The only difference is that most humans within Odiria choose to become mages. Overall and crazy as it sounds, humans are the most emphatic race within the realm. Where elves wouldn't hesitate to kill a trespassing traitor on sight, humans often struggle with their morals. They are less impulsive than elves can be. If elves are the heart of Odiria, humans would be considered the mind. The human race generally reaches the age of 75 before they pass away.


    A mage is a human that is in control of the natural, ambient, magical forces that exist in the realm. They grow in power by learning more about magic and how to control it. Any human can become a mage. To become one, one needs to choose a patron deity based on the type of magic they're willing to learn. Mage magic is often, if not always, tied to religion. The stronger their belief and loyalty towards their patron deity, the easier it is for them to educate themselves in the arts of their magic. This is why a mage's patron deity is often the patron deity of the alliance that has their loyalty, with some exceptions of course.


    The sorcerer bloodlines can be traced back to when the kingdoms were first founded. The bravest mage of each kingdom was chosen to inherit some of their guardian dragon’s magic, which was sealed with a holy promise to only use this magic for the sake of protection of themselves and their kingdom, never in selfish or evil ways. As of now, there are three sorcerer bloodlines known to mankind, the other one is believed to have gone extinct.

    The type of magic a sorcerer can perform depends on the bloodline of said sorcerer. Unlike a mage a sorcerer can’t choose its magic. Sorcery is the magic inherent to a person. Dragon magic flows through their veins. Sorcerer bloodlines are strictly kept in tact. They often marry their children off to other known sorcerer bloodlines to increase their chances of having a sorcerer child. While it’s commonly tried to be avoided, it is not rare for sorcerers to be forced into marriages with distant family members to keep the bloodline intact. Sorcerers are always human. An elf cannot inherit sorcerer magic. Same goes for a sorcerer x elf child: they will either inherit the elf race from their elf parent, or be born a regular human.

    AIt is a custom amongst sorcerers to let the child bear the surname of the parent which sorcery it has inherited. Even when two sorcerers have a child together, it is possible for that child not to inherit any type of sorcery. Parents whose children do not inherit the magic can choose whichever surname they want to give their child.

    Click HERE for the guidebook page containing more information about sorcerer bloodlines and the existing ones.
    Elf Races
    Elves were the first mortal inhabitants of the realm, believed to be one of the races closest to the deities and the realm’s magic. There are various subraces of elves, but those do share a lot of similarities. All of them are taller and have a more slender build than the average human, paired with a pair of notable, pointy ears. Most of them are not very fond of humans and other humanoid races as they believe them to choose power seeking over keeping the realm balanced. Unlike humans, most elves feel the need to protect nature while building and expanding civilisations as well. The elven race ages a little differently than the human race and elves will generally live 20 years longer than humans. Once elves are 18, they are full grown. Female elves are fertile until about their 60th. Most elves will reach an age of maximum 110 years.

    Moon Elves

    Moon elves are believed to be descendants from Lythrana and have been all over the realm throughout the ages. Most of them live either in small groups or alone, shielded from the civilised areas within the realm and mostly guarding sacred places within nature. They can be found near shrines hidden within the mountains, sacred pools within forests, ruins and other mysterious landmarks in which magic is kept in its purest form. An exception to this is the ruling bloodlines of Lemuria. The Kingdom of Lemuria was gifted to them upon founding, and the same royal line sits within the Lemurian Council nowadays. Some noble moon elf families have fair skin and light coloured hair, often paired with blue or violet eyes. Moon elves are tied to the moon, so they are only able to perform moon magic.

    Sun Elves

    Believed to be descendants from Xeion, sun elves have been guarding the desert and its inhabitants for as long as they’ve inhabited the realm. They are considered the fiercest subrace of the elves. Sun elves have dark skin and eyes that protect them from the raging sun that, while being honoured for its light and warmth can be unbearable during desert travels. Beside guarding the hidden oasis within the desert, they’ve been ruling Xaila ever since its founding, trusted to them by the dragons when founding the mortal kingdoms. Sun elves are only able to perform magic tied to the sun, which is mostly fire magic. However, they are mostly known for using their magic to forge some of the most powerful, enchanted weapons.

    Wood Elves

    Wood elves are believed to be descendants from Adelia and have been guarding the various woods within the realm. They often have earthly toned skin, hair and eye colours. Their ears are smaller and more human-like than those of the other subrace. Out of all elves they have the strongest connection to nature and the least interest in expanding civilisations. The wood elves are least fond of humans and their overall need for power. The Kingdom of Avalon was trusted to them when founding the four kingdoms. Now that their kingdom has fallen, most wood elf bloodlines that have survived the Crimson Raid have formed a hatred towards humans and therefore joined The White Stag tribe. Wood elves are only able to perform nature and earth related magic, and are known to hardly use weapons, only when they really have no other choice. This has changed since the Crimson Raid, however. Now most of their race have made the bow an extension of themselves. Their territories and sacred landmarks are mostly guarded by animal guardians they have befriended.

    Dark Elves

    While the dark elf subrace was created by a powerful dark mage a long time ago, they are believed to have been created by lending some of the Frostcrown deity, Ranaan's magic. Unfortunately the dark elf race was cursed with the ability only to be able to use dark magic and were created to obey every dark mage regardless of their own will. This didn't make all of the dark elf race inherently evil, but most of them chose their forbidden abilities over a life without magic and ignored the ancient magic laws by doing so, or were manipulated by dark mages. As more dark elves were found working together with evil dark mages, either by free will or by force, the realm-wide decision was made to eliminate them for everyone's safety. To this day, not everyone is pleased with the story behind the extinction of this subrace, but most of the elves are. Elves never saw this subrace as one of their own. As of now, Dark Elves are believed to be extinct and are currently unplayable!
    Other Races
    These are the races that are more uncommon than the others, unlike elves and humans they do not have any subraces. Nonetheless, they are very interesting and could certainly make a unique and fun character!


    While druids seem to have a lot in common with wood elves at first glance, they're actually quite different. While wood elves gain their magic from their magic source, druids are born with the purest connection to nature of all races. They gain their magic abilities from the nature surrounding them. Instead of the ability to grow vines and flowers, they have the ability to manipulate the existing nature already surrounding them. Their expertise includes manipulating the weather, speaking the language of fauna and shapeshifting. While often living on their own, they do seek out other druids from time to time to discuss the matters of their region. Especially since the fall of Avalon.

    Even back when Avalon was still part of the Odirian Kingdoms, druids hid themselves away within the uninhabited parts of the kingdom. They hid deep within the woods or caves, spending their days connecting with nature and providing for themselves. Nowadays the divine task of protecting Avalon's ruins and treasures was added to their daily schedule. Their origin is unknown, but it is believed by many that Adelia has created them to serve as guardians of the wildlife. Guardians which only need and goal is being one with nature, and do not feel the need to fit into a society.


    Lycanthropes were created by a powerful dark mage from Lemuria. While experimenting trying to give one of his test subjects beastly strength, his spell had a huge drawback, as he and his subject fell victim to corrupted moon magic. Legend says that his test subject ate him right away. On the rare occasion that someone actually does survive an attack by such a beast, the magic intertwines with their blood, and they undergo the same curse.

    These creatures are bound to the cycle of the moon, transforming into a wolf-beast like creature whenever the cycle reaches the full moon. This transformation is particularly painful. Lycanthropes don't exhibit symptoms before transforming, as the curse manifests only during the full moon. However, due to the mental awareness of the impending transformation, they may experience heightened anxiety or aggression leading up to the event. Lycanthropes are never born, only cursed.

    Whilst transformed they cannot control their own actions or thoughts, which often causes them to take measures like tying themselves to a tree in an abandoned forest, or travelling far away from their loved ones when the full moon approaches. Lycanthropes, lacking distinct personalities, don't shy away from human life out of fear like frightened animals. Some may be more aggressive, especially if the transformation induces heightened pain. In interactions, they typically avoid each other, echoing predator instincts to steer clear of conflicts. Pack formation is uncommon. Circumstances vary; if two lycanthropes fueled by rage cross paths, a confrontation may occur. If one seems stronger, a tendency to flee arises to avoid potential fatality.

    Perceived as inherently dangerous, caution is warranted due to their propensity to attack people. Many citizens wish for them to share a destiny with the dark elves, but since lycanthropes are a fairly new race compared to the dark elves, a massacre wouldn't be accepted by most of the realm anymore. Beside that, they're considered more 'humane' because of the fact that their 'curse' only shows itself once per moon cycle. Some citizens have taken the measures against lycanthropes within their own hands, organising lycanthrope specific hunting patrols all across the realm. Dogs can't be trained to detect lycanthropes, but there's potential for subconscious recognition. They might show subtle signs of discomfort, such as heightened fear or growling. This moderated response avoids easy identification of lycanthropes. Dogs won't spontaneously attack them, similar to their behaviour with humans, unless specifically trained for aggression or guarding.

    Information on lycanthropy is limited due to its incurable nature. Books may describe lycans' appearance and behaviour, highlighting the loss of identity in their transformed state. Reflecting their perceived danger, the literature tends to emphasise the threat posed by lycanthropes. Ashmoor, however, stands as an exception, portraying magic negatively. Books on magic are scarce, leading to a lack of information on lycanthropy. While people acknowledge the existence of lycanthropes and magic, specifics remain unknown, particularly in the context of Ashmoor's disdain for magical knowledge.

    All humanoid races, except elves, merfolk, druids and sorcerers who possess their magic ability can fall victim to the curse of lycanthropy. If someone has the ability to use magic, like a mage, this ability will be overwritten by the curse. The user will no longer be able to use magic after that. As of now, no cure to the curse has been found, but many have tried to create one.


    The origin of merfolk is quite vague. Some legend says they used to be fish that accidentally stumbled upon Lythrania, turned into merfolk to keep her company within her lonely domain that was the sea. Another legend states that they used to be sirens, having lured enough men to their deaths in order to transform into beautiful, young maidens. While their origin remains unknown, merfolk are quite the popular race nowadays. Not for the reason they would have liked, however. Their scales are heavily in demand and are worth piles of gold. Both as a symbol of status, or for dark mages to use within their magic. For this reason merfolk ought to keep their true identities a secret. Because of the popular demand in their scales merfolk have integrated amongst the other races of Odiria and nowadays live on land, behaving as regular humans.

    Over time, merfolk have evolved and are now born as regular humans. They don't receive their tail until the age of 15, although it could be a year earlier or later. Due to their race, they can breathe underwater slightly longer, around a maximum of 10 minutes, but they do not develop gills earlier than their tails, as they are initially born as regular humans. Either one of their parents (or both) must be of the merfolk race for the child to be born as merfolk too. Appearance-wise they look like any other human race. Same length and no pointy ears to seek attention with. Their true form shows itself as soon as they come in contact with any source of water, with the exception of drinking it. This is when their colourful tails and gills reveal themselves. Merfolk tails come in a large variety of colours and styles.

    Merfolk undergo a transformation the moment they come into contact with water, excluding water consumed. Swiftly wiping off water or drying with a towel prevents the transformation. The same principle applies to ice and snow; if a merfolk can remove a snowflake or dry their hands after touching ice, they remain unaffected. In the event of snowfall or rain, contact will trigger the transformation unless promptly dried. The shift back to their human form occurs when they exit the water and dry off, with their tails seamlessly transforming back into legs. This process is smooth, painless, and leaves them without pants due to the tearing during the initial change.

    Merfolk are magical creatures by themselves, but do not possess the ability to use magic. However, they do have some abilities that could be considered magical, beside turning into actual mermaids, that is. If a mermaid or merman kisses someone, they gain the ability to hold their breath for half an hour. Mermaids themselves are able to breathe underwater as long as they desire, using their gills.