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  • Getting Started
    An RPG newbie guide
    Congratulations! If you're reading this, you probably already registered your account. If you didn't, that would be a good first step towards getting started. Make sure to read the rules before registering! This Getting Started page will be an in-depth guide for the RPG-newbie. If you've never even participated in a text-based RPG this guide will be of great help.

    Keep in mind, however, that you still have to read through the guidebook in order to understand everything about the site. The ‘Must-Read Summary’ is a good place to start lore-wise! This page is mainly meant for people who aren't familiar with this format of RP, or RP at all.

    Text based RPG

    What is text-based RPG exactly, you ask? Text-based RPG stands for text-based roleplaying game. Within this type of RPG you'll create your own character and explore the world of Odiria through writing and plotting with other members. Another term that's used for this type of roleplaying is play-by-post RP. You explore the world by writing in-character posts. Within threads, each player will take turns posting the things their character sees, thinks and does. If this sounds kind of vague to you, make sure to take a look around the site! There's plenty of examples of on-going threads between members.
    Creating your character
    The first step in preparing your adventure is creating your character. This starts with registering your name in proper capitalisation (First Last). After registering your character, there's a few things you'll need to do in order for your character to be accepted. These steps, in no particular order are as follows:

    • Filling in your PROFILE and more specifically your Character Sheet. In your Character sheet only the Full Name, Gender, Age, Race, Magic, Patron Deity, Religion, Occupation, Relationship Status and Current Residence are mandatory to fill in.

    • Claim your FACECLAIM. More information about faceclaims is found in the linked thread.

    • Upload your AVATAR, this has to be a 230x350px picture of your faceclaim.

    • Fill in the CHARACTER APPLICATION FORM. This is necessary for your character to be accepted. After your form is accepted you'll gain your correct colour and rank, and then you're ready to post!

    • An optional step is to look for friends, family or anything else within the PLOTTING section of the forum. This can also be done through our Discord server.

    In-depth profile guide

    Your profile is pretty easy to fill in. Things like your character's full name, age, race and magic are easy to understand. Please note that you have to fill in this basic information. Next is the bottom of your profile, which you can fill in if you wish to do so, but this is not mandatory. The bottom of your profile might get a little confusing and for this reason we will be covering each profile section at the bottom of your profile with a brief summary.


    Your inventory is a section that can only be altered by staff members. Within your inventory, all of the items and weapons you'll find will be displayed. The staff will use your character application to moderate this section.


    Within this section, you can write down everything related to your character's appearance. Their physical appearance, clothing, scars, jewellery, etc. You can even add titles, images and other (text) decoration within this section using custom bbcodes. More about these codes will be explained at the bottom of this page.


    Within the freeform section you can keep track of all other matters you wish to display on your profile. You could summarise a character’s history or display your character's family. Like the appearance section, this section can be decorated using the same bbcodes.


    Both the appearance and family tree sections can be customised using bbcodes. Bbcodes can be used in combination with each other to create a blue title or a centred image for example. The following codes can be used:

    [purple][/purple] - Purple text
    [blue][/blue] - Blue text
    [lblue][/lblue] - Light blue text
    [green][/green] - Green text
    [yellow][/yellow] - Yellow text
    [red][/red] - Red text
    [proftit][/proftit] - A title
    [center][/center] - Centers text or images
    [img][/img] - Used to display an image with an image link
    [mbbase][moodboard][/moodboard][/mbbase] - used to create a moodboard of max. 6 square images.