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  • Religion
    Everything about religion within the realm
    Religion plays an important part within the realm for both Odirians and the people of Ashmoor. There's no doubt that your character will run into those who believe, whether they are a believer themselves or not. Within this page of the guidebook you'll find everything you need to know about Odiria's Faith and the corrupted Faith of Renestrae.
    The Odirian Faith
    The Odirian deities are the ones that have created and shaped the realm, and the main religion of those within the Odirian kingdoms. The kingdoms have even been built around the beliefs of these deities and the seasons of their period of reign. Whether it is your choice if your character believes in them or not, it is very uncommon for Odirians not to believe in these deities.


    Every kingdom has its own patron. Beside their faith in all of the deities, their patron is their deity of worship. Thanks to the different patrons, different beliefs about the Odirian Faith are followed. Those who worship Raanan will show less mercy than those who worship Lythrana, for example. Every patron has its own religious rituals, which are mostly performed within temples built within their honour.

    AdeliaAlbino Deer
    LythranaLuna Moth
    Raanan Black Bear


    According to the ancient legends, the deities of the realm were birthed by the universe and were supposed to be four siblings, all granted with tasks and knowledge to forge a realm inhabitable to many different creatures and races. The oldest sibling, Xeion, was granted the task to rule over the sun and bless the new world with warmth. Lythrana, the second sibling, gained the task to rule over the moon and tides, but also to grant the inhabitants good harvests to keep them well fed. The third sibling, Adelia was given the task to rule over the nature of the realm, to grant the grounds and creatures fertility in order to sustain life within the new world. The fourth sibling was supposed to rule the underworld, but in the most graceful of ways. While meant to be a symbol of death, she was supposed to also symbolise rebirth, renewal and hope. Whether it was fate or a mistake, the last sibling didn’t come into the world alone. They were born twins, Raanan and Renestrae, who now had to share their responsibilities in the new world.

    As the five deities forged their realm, they came across many disagreements about their responsibilities and how they would affect each other. While one couldn’t exist without the others, they found it a challenge to forge a world suited to all of their ideals. Eventually, after many unsolved conflicts, they decided to forge the world differently than their creator had asked them to. Instead of ruling together, each of them would be granted a short period of time to rule the new world to their ideal.

    One year within the realm would be split into four seasons. Adelia would rule the season of Bloomtide, a season where fertility would be at its peak and nature blooming at its fullest, ready to create new life everywhere within the realm. Xeion would rule Sunpeak, a season of warmth and reflection. Lythrana would rule the season of Greenwilt, a transition where the planted seeds of Bloomtide that would peak within Sunpeak, had to make way for the last phase of the year, Frostcrown. Ruled by the twins, Raanan and Renestrae, this season meant to represent a transition to the new beginnings of Bloomtide. A period of rebirth, renewal, but also death.

    While every sibling agreed to this decision, the twins didn’t find themselves quite satisfied yet. Having to share a ruling period meant that either of them still had to compensate to fit the ideals of the other. While death and despair played a great part in rebirth and hope and one couldn’t exist without the other, Raanan didn’t want to be part of such dark tasks to fulfill while Renestrae happened to see the beauty in this balanced way of life. Eventually, they came to terms with each other. The season of Frostcrown would be split into two, making Nightreign, the season of death and despair, the final and closing season of the year.


    Marriage in Odiria is intricately woven into the fabric of the Odirian Faith. The religious beliefs surrounding marriage emphasise traditional unions, strictly adhering to heterosexual norms. Homosexuality and gay marriage are prohibited across most kingdoms, with Xaila being the exception. In Xaila, a woman is allowed to marry both a man and a woman, solely for procreation purposes, while male-male marriages remain prohibited. Although gay lovers may find acceptance in Xaila and occasional tolerance in Lemuria, Ravaryn strictly forbids such relationships.

    Additionally, premarital sex is generally discouraged, yet in Xaila, it may be overlooked on occasion. Men generally don’t face any issues regarding premarital sex, as they face less of the consequences of this. For men, bastards are generally accepted in most regions, but will not often be claimed by their father, nor their mother (in the case of Xaila).


    Life and death within Odiria are viewed as a continuous cycle. Life cannot exist without death and vice versa. After the cycle of one's life is complete, the followers of the Odirian Deities believe that they soon will reincarnate as another creature. An animal, a plant, another species, anything is possible. Each kingdom deals a bit differently with saying goodbye to a deceased loved one, but each of them greatly values a worthy goodbye in which their life can be honoured.


    Servants of the Odirian Faith are called priests or priestesses. In each of the Kingdoms, being a servant of the Faith means something slightly different depending on the rituals of each patron deity. However, priests and priestesses are greatly respected and the temples are always a place of neutral ground. The only judge in the house of the faith is the patron deity it is dedicated to. The church and its priests have a big influence within Ravaryn, probably the strongest religious influence of all kingdoms.

    Priests live in temples and are usually highly honoured and important members of society. They dress in quite extravagant fashion: their clothes are meticulously crafted and can show off whatever the priest deems fit. Traditionally priests wear something to slightly cover their face, this can be either a veil or jewellery. This is done to create a layer of separation between the horrors they might face and their watchful gaze, which are the eyes through which a patron deity sees the world, as not to inflict damage on the patron deity. Their garments are traditionally either black or white, as to stand above allegiances and politics. In more recent centuries, however, some priests have chosen to dress in whatever colour they seem fit. They are allowed worldly pleasures such as alcohol, as long as they show restraint. Because the Odirian Faith places importance on rebirth, it is allowed for priests to procreate yet only if one is married. However, it is not uncommon for servants of the Odirian Faith to remain celibate after dedicating their life to their patron deity.

    The Faith Of Renestrae
    While the four Odirian kingdoms were shaped around their patron deities, the Ashmoor district is believed by the Odirians to be ruled by Renestrae, the deity of Nightreign, as a 'punishment' for not giving her a kingdom of her own. Watching her siblings being celebrated and having kingdoms and churches built in their honour is believed to be the reason for Ashmoor's founding. Even though the people of Ashmoor don't follow the traditional Odirian religion, some aspects about it are known to them, including the patron deity of each kingdom tied to a season. During the rule of the first Duke of Ashmoor they started to use this information to scare the people of the Odirian Kingdoms, referring to Renestrae as their 'patron' and claiming to have their priests communicating with her.


    The current Ashmoor religion was built around the first Ashmoorian High Priest and his ability to be able to communicate with Renestrae. Both the ruling family and the so-called priest's reason behind this hoax was control. Not only could they scare the Odirian Kingdoms using their religion against them, but they could also easily control their own people this way. Their so-called 'religion' was supported by a holy law written by the said priest, writing down the laws that Renestrae imposed on the people of Ashmoor in return for granting them the opportunity to settle and thrive within Odiria. Whether your character believes in Renestrae is up to you, but the only ones who knew about the hoax are long gone. Both the current Winter family members and priests genuinely believe in Renestrae and her holy laws nowadays.


    The holy law has been written by both the first Ashmoorian High Priest and the first Duke, meant to be presented to the people of Ashmoor as a law written by Renestrae herself, through the mortal body of their first High Priest. After all these years, the people of Ashmoor still live by this law, even the current Duke and his family firmly believe within their patron Renestrae.

    • Magic is a force that curses and corrupts the body and mind, and must not be tolerated within the holy ground that is the Ashmoor District.

    • The Odirian Kingdoms have corrupted the balance of the realm by leaving one of the deities out of their worship. It is up to Ashmoor to restore this balance by honoring the Midwinter deity.

    • Science will be the breakthrough of humanity, bringing Ashmoor to its full potential eventually. Science is the only thing to be honored alongside the Midwinter deity.

    • In honor of the Midwinter deity, women must remain pure until their marriage has been blessed by the Midwinter deity. If not, their children will be prone to corruption of Odiria's magic.

    • Every meal is a blessing from the Midwinter deity, and she should be thanked after every single one.

    • Premarital intimacy, a tarnishing act, is strictly forbidden as it taints any possible marriage and ruins any fruitfulness it might have.

    • Homosexual relations are strictly prohibited, constituting a breach in Renestrae’s purpose for a man and woman.


    In Ashmoor, believed to be ruled by Renestrae, the deity of Nightreign, the laws strictly forbid homosexuality and gay marriage, with severe punishments in place. Premarital sex is strictly prohibited and a bedding ceremony is usually part of any noble marriage. Men have more freedom with regard to premarital relations, though illegitimate children are not accepted by their fathers in Ashmoor's strict societal norms.


    In Ashmoor, death instils fear in many. Unlike other realms, Renestrae's followers reject the idea of an afterlife. Those who adhered to Renestrae's holy laws will attain eternal peace in her heavenly realm, while those who didn't will wander indefinitely in limbo, yearning to reach Renestrae’s side.


    Like the Odirian Faith, servants of Renestrae are called priests or priestesses. In Ashmoor, priests of Renestrae abide and teach her holy law. Like in the Odirian Kingdoms, priests in Ashmoor live in temples. But unlike in the kingdoms, Ashmoorian priests must live a humble life.

    Priests of Renestrae dress solely in black and white. Depending on their standing —which Ring they live in— their garments are either moderately- or well made. Priests in the Upper Ring often dress in beautiful clothes. These clothes, unlike in Odiria, are very conservative, and jewellery is hardly ever used to accessorise. Priests of Renestrae must renounce all worldly pleasures. This means no alcohol and no indulgence in ungodly acts such as sexual relations. Priests of Renestrae can never marry, nor procreate, as their only service is towards Renestrae herself.