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Must-Read Summary
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  • Must-Read Summary
    An Odirian newbie guide
    Welcome aboard! If you've already registered, kudos! If not, take that initial step to kickstart your RPG journey—just remember to peruse the rules. This 'Must-Read Summary' is a lore-centric initiation. It covers essential aspects like must-know facts, the setting, the five countries, races, and the intricate system of magic. Happy adventuring!

    Basic Information

    • There are 5 countries in the continent of Odiria: Ravaryn, Lemuria, Avalon, Xaila and Ashmoor.
    • Starting year of Time Will Tell is 1452.
    • There are five seasons: Bloomtide (Spring), Sunpeak (Summer), Greenwilt (Autumn), and the split season Frostcrown (Winter) and Neightreign (Midwinter). Ashmoor uses season names in brackets.
    • Months are called ‘Moons’ in Odiria, there are 12 of them.


    • Time Will Tell has a fantasy setting with a bit of mediaeval influence in the four kingdoms.
    • Ashmoor has Georgian and steampunk aesthetics, steam-powered trains and medical prostheses.
    • The four kingdoms have one common enemy, Ashmoor. In turn, Ashmoor hates the kingdoms & magic is forbidden.
    • Common tongue (Odiria's language) spoken by all; high-born elves use elvish among themselves.
    • No gunpowder; weaponry consistent across all of Odiria.
    • Odiria, excluding Ashmoor, promotes gender inclusivity, witnessing women in diverse positions of power, with Xaila notably championing female leadership.
    • Fire is the primary light source in Odiria since electricity hasn't been invented.


    The kingdom of Ravaryn is located in the northern hemisphere. It is a monarchy with a strong religious influence. It is known for its high quality weapons, precious metals and gemstones. Its people are viewed as mysterious and loyal.

    The Lemurian Alliance, formerly known as The Lemurian Kingdom, is surrounded by the sea and is considered the most peaceful of the four kingdoms. Lemuria is led by a council representing five important families of their country. It is rich in agriculture and populated areas.

    The fallen kingdom of Avalon is now a wilderness of ruins claimed by three dangerous tribes: the White Stag tribe, the Blue Moon tribe and the Lost Serpent tribe. The tribes are descendants of survivors from the "Crimson Raid," and their territories are considered dangerous and unexplored.

    The kingdom of Xaila is located in the southern part of Odiria, hidden behind the Infernal Wilds desert. It is ruled by sun elves with one large capital and various villages belonging to desert tribes. Their expertise lies in astronomy and they are known for thriving in the desert’s harsh conditions.

    The Ashmoor District is the most technologically advanced area in Odiria, priding itself on a steam-powered society. Ruled by the Winter family, it is an aristocratic authority enforcing strict laws against Odirians and magic within the district. Ashmoor acts as a separate country within Odiria, disconnected from the others.

    Human Races

    • Look like nothing out of the ordinary, basic.
    • Present throughout all of Odiria, in Ashmoor they form the vast majority.
    • Most empathetic race, considered the "mind" of Odiria.
    • Average lifespan: 75 years.

    • “Humans plus”; humans who have chosen to practise magic.
    • Magic is often linked to religion: they choose a patron deity tied to their magic type (dark, moon, sun or wood magic).
    • They will never be as magically strong as elves.
    • Need their spellbook to perform magic.

    • Humans who are born with magic; not chosen like mages.
    • Purpose is to protect and serve their kingdom.
    • They will never be as magically strong as elves.
    • Three known sorcerer bloodlines: Rizal (divination), Vylasar (summoning), Zinyra (necromancy). Avalon sorcerers are believed to be extinct.

    Elf Races

    • They are generally tall, with a slender build and pointy ears.
    • All elves are born with magic.
    • Average lifespan: 100 years, live 20 years longer than human races.
    • Full-grown at 18, fertile until around 60.

    • Descendants of deity Lythrana, mostly found in Lemuria.
    • Have fair skin and light hair.
    • Born with moon magic.
    • Used to rule Lemuria, now still govern some cities.

    • Descendants of deity Xeion, mostly found in Xaila.
    • Dark skin and eyes protect them from the sun.
    • Born with sun magic.
    • Rulers of Xaila.

    • Descendants of deity Adelia, mostly found in Avalon.
    • Earthly-toned features, smaller pointy ears.
    • Born with wood magic.
    • Dislike humans, many joined The White Stag tribe after Avalon's fall.

    • Created hundreds of years ago by a dark mage, mostly found in Ravaryn.
    • Cursed to obey dark mages, not inherently evil.
    • Born with dark magic.
    • Eliminated realm-wide for safety, believed extinct and currently unplayable.

    Other Races

    • Protectors of nature, mostly found in Avalon.
    • Born with magic; can practise (one of) the following: animal communication, extracting and potion brewing, manipulate weather, shapeshifting.
    • Often live alone, occasionally meet other druids.

    • Through painful transformation become wolf-beasts during the full moon.
    • Are made when they are bitten by another lycanthrope, never born.
    • Have no control while in their lycanthrope form.

    • Turn into merman and -maids when they come in contact with water.
    • Live among humans on land so they don’t draw attention and must keep their true identities secret due to demand for scales.
    • Receive tails at age 15.
    • When receiving a merfolk’s kiss, someone gains the ability to hold their breath underwater for half an hour.
    • Usually have one specialty within broad magic (moon, sun, wood, dark, druid) or be able to perform multiple specialities at a moderate level.
    • Mastery is achieved at age 50 and with sufficient training.
    • Sources are ancient relics filled with magical energy in each country (except Ashmoor).
    • The closer to a magic source, the more powerful the magic, but also the harder to control.
    • The following magic is bound to a source: moon, sun wood.
    • The following magic is not bound to a source: dark, sorcerer, druid.
    • Born magic is always stronger than chosen (mage) magic.
    • Weakness often lies in exhaustion, emotions and control.
    • In Ashmoor all magic is forbidden & punishable by death.

    Source-bound magic

    • Practised by moon elves or moon mages.
    • Most common in Lemuria, source is in Lythrania.
    • Examples: waterbending, illusions, healing.

    • Practised by sun elves or sun mages.
    • Most common in Xaila, source is in the Forbidden Oasis (Xaila).
    • Examples: firebending, lightbending.

    • Practised by wood elves or wood mages.
    • Most common in Avalon, source is in Falerien.
    • Examples: manipulating nature, earthbending, potion making.

    Other magic

    • Currently only practised by dark mages.
    • Forbidden in all of Odiria, users must practise in secret.
    • No source; relies on taking magical energy from other living creatures.
    • Examples: using the life force for magical weapons and props.
    • Enchanted items often have a purple glow revealing their origin.

    • A child of a sorcerer does not always inherit the magic, sometimes their children are just humans.
    • No source; sorcerers become their own source.
    • Divination (Rizal family, Ravaryn): allows seeing the future through various methods. Never fully accurate prophecies.
    • Summoning (Vylasar family, Lemuria): the power to summon celestial beasts using custom staffs and specific spells. Each summoner has one celestial ‘familiar’.

    • No source; their source is the nature around them.
    • Animal Communication: telepathically communicate with animals. There is no actual speaking, they just sense their feelings.
    • Extracting and Potion Brewing: use healing or poisonous properties from plants to brew potions.
    • Shapeshifting: shapeshift into various animals, either multiple smaller ones for a short time or one specific animal indefinitely.
    • Weather Manipulation: manipulate weather, creating rain and thunderstorms within a limited area. Can only cover an average village when mastered.