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  • Items & Artefacts
    Everything about items & artefacts
    As you may have noticed already there’s a special section within the profiles dedicated to items. Items are another minor inspiration from d&d, but on TWT they are meant for aesthetic purposes rather than actual usage like d&d. Items can be obtained in many ways. However, they cannot be bought. Items can be obtained through the following ways:

    • Encountered within any type of random event.
    • Dropped by an encounter after battle.
    • As a quest reward.

    Items can be both actual items or weapons. So, what is the difference between them? Items and weapons are able to be used for aesthetic- and plot points, along with fun interactions. Some weapons and items, like the Lemurian sea amulet, have an actual function. If this is the case, it will be displayed within the item's description on a profile or in the item masterlist.

    NOTE: The inventory section on the profiles can only be altered by the staff. Each time you'll find a new item or weapon, the staff will alter your profile for you asap!
    Types of items
    There are several types of items to be found on TWT. Within these sections we will try our best to explain them as clearly as possible.

    Starter items

    Upon creation, each character is allowed one or two starter items. One of these has to be a weapon. You can either choose to have one one-star weapon and one one-star item, or one two-star weapon as your starter kit. To make it simple, you have two 'stars' to spend within the Item Masterlist and you have to start out with some kind of weapon. This means that it's not allowed to start with a two-star item as your starter kit. The starter kit is posted at the bottom section of your application. The weapon you're choosing will not be able to change after your application has been accepted. When accepted, the items will be added to your inventory.

    We advise you to choose a weapon that makes sense and fits your character in terms of history, personality, the world lore etc. A knight or warrior would not have the bow & arrow as a weapon class, etc. On TWT, we use the following weapons as starter items:

    • Sword: Swords are used for close range combat, often by knights, guards or warriors. A sword is mostly good for cutting damage, but can also be used to stab with.

    • Spear: Some warriors choose a spear over a sword. Instead of cutting, however, a spear is often used to pierce through your opponent.

    • Bow & Arrow: The bow is a ranged weapon, great for those who weren't built for close combat. The only downside, however, is that you must be careful not to run out of arrows.

    • Battle Axe: The battle axe is a heavy weapon, built for those with the muscle to wield it. When able to wield, it makes for a powerful cutting weapon.

    • Claymore: A giant sword. Like the battle axe, the claymore is only for those who have the muscle to wield it.

    • Dagger: The dagger is the most common weapon within the realm. It is easy to use, but doesn't make it a less powerful weapon to those who know how to use it.

    If you have a character that doesn't plan on fighting anyone or engaging in combat, we advise to give them "dagger" weapon class. Daggers are a common weapon to have on hand within a dangerous world like this, so it's not unrealistic for your character to own one if the other weapons do not suit the character.

    Regular items

    Regular items are mostly items that can be fun to use for plot purposes, while some of them might serve another purpose. Items that don’t really do anything, but can be used for both plot purposes and trading with the travelling merchant also fall under this category, a unicorn horn or sandworm tooth for example. Regular items are the most common items to find and include every item that's not a weapon.


    Beside items, your character can also find weapons to help them on their adventure. For characters that don’t really intend to engage in battles, weapons probably will be less interesting than for characters who do. Weapons that your character can find may vary from regular or slightly more powerful weapons to maybe even legendary weapons. More powerful and rare weapons also can boost your character’s prestige when they show up with a really cool looking and powerful new weapon.
    The travelling merchant
    Rumours have been spreading like wildfire throughout Odiria, that a travelling merchant has set foot on Odiria's shores, carrying all sorts of rare and exclusive items with him. The rumour also states that the coin does not spark his interest. This mysterious figure hasn't actually been spotted yet. Could it be nothing more than just a legend, or would it be able to come across this mysterious merchant..?