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  • The Rules
    Odiria's laws
    To keep things fun and clear for everyone we have a few rules that every member of the site is obligated to follow. Violating these rules will result in several warnings, and perhaps a (temporary) ban from the site eventually, depending on the situation. Make sure to read through these rules carefully before starting your RP adventure!

    When you notice someone violating these rules, please do not hesitate to contact a staff member to take care of the situation (preferably with evidence like screenshots or a topic link). Of course you can sort out things by yourselves too, as long as it remains OFF-SITE! We don't allow people to bring their personal drama to the site or Discord server.

    Before Registering

    • We are a 'one account per character' site, which means that every character is played from a different account. This is why you have to register the username of your account as your character's name, which can not contain any numbers or punctuation marks. On this site we don't use separate OOC accounts.
    • Please register your accounts with a proper capitalised name. If your character has multiple first names, only register your account with their first and last name. Your character's last name depends on their status and/or place of birth.
    • Each character must be registered with both a first name and a surname. If you can't think of a surname, you could always use a character's profession as their surname. For example, a fisherman's surname could be 'Fisher'.
    • It is not allowed to use any of the site’s lore on other fora, except with explicit permission of one of the administrators. Such lore includes, but is not limited to, magic, site-owned family lore and surnames, plots and locations. Please be respectful of this!
    • Site-owned families (Aerendyl, Daetrys, Rizal, Vylasar, Winter, Ylindar, Zinyra) are managed by the staff and can not be joined without asking permission first. Not to worry, we can always find a place for your character!
    Out of Character Rules
    • We don't allow any kind of 18+/sexual content or images on the site.
    • You can post in both English and Dutch in the OOC forums, but try to use as much English as possible.
    • Advertisement for your own site or forum is only allowed within the AFFILIATES board, as long as you follow the advertisement rules. If you want to trade buttons feel free to add our button to your site and DM an administrator with your site link and button.
    • Be respectful towards your fellow members! We want to keep this a drama-free community where everyone feels safe to enjoy themselves. Discrimination or bullying in any form (racism, homophobia, etc.) is not permitted and will have serious consequences. If you see this happening on site or within the Discord server, please do not hesitate to contact a staff member.
    • When receiving a warning from the staff don't turn it into a discussion. If you do want to say or ask something about the warning you can do that by sending the staff a private message, either in Discord or PM.
    • Please don't bother other players about IC related stuff like relationships, threads or replies outside the forum too much. It's okay to remind someone about something IC through Discord, as they might have actually forgotten about it, but keep in mind that at the end of the day it's still a hobby and not everyone has an endless amount of free time to spend on the site.
    • Be patient with the staff members when it comes to accepting characters, answering questions, rolling for threads, etc. Even though we try our best to get everything done as soon as possible we're just regular people with a life outside of the forum as well. Thanks in advance!


    • Avatars do resize, but if you don't want your avatar to resize or lose quality you should stick to 230px x 350px.
    • Your avatar has to be a picture of your character! We work with faceclaims. More information about faceclaims can be found HERE
    • Your faceclaim has to be a real life person. We do not allow faceclaims and avatars to have art styles (e.g. anime, manga) except for highly realistic art (e.g. final fantasy characters).
    • There are no specific rules about how big or long your signature is allowed to be, as long as it doesn't mess with the site's codes and stays within a 700px width. The same goes for post sheets and tables.
    In Character Rules
    • It is mandatory to do the following before you can start posting: fill in the fields on your Character Sheet (Full Name, Gender, Age, Race, Magic, Patron Deity, Religion, Occupation, Relationship Status, Current Residence), fill in your character’s alliance under ‘Information’ in your profile, post and your Character Application and have it accepted by the Game Master, claim your faceclaim.
    • Keep in mind that the staff can always ask you to alter your character's application (e.g. the magic) to make it fit within the site’s lore. There are still set rules for a reason and be respectful of this. The staff will almost always give you another option if an idea does not fit in the lore.
    • You're allowed to have as many accounts/characters as you please, but try to keep them all as active as possible. We'd rather have lesser but more active characters on the site than a bunch of inactive ones.
    • M-rated threads in terms of sexual acts and violence are allowed, as long as the actual deed and graphic details are timeskipped and left out for your post. The same goes for violence. You can describe your character's injuries etc., but leave the heavy graphic details out.
    • It is not allowed to control another player's character, unless they have given permission to do so. If this is the case, please mention this at the bottom of your post! You can, however, control NPC's within your post. Just as long as these are not controlled by the Game Master account within a rolled thread or random event, or site-owned npc's (e.g. King of Ravaryn).
    • Please refrain from switching your character's loyalty back and forth for no valid reason. The most common reasons for switching your character's alliance are by marrying someone from another region or moving to a new region for good. Characters who travel, or temporarily live somewhere else, are usually loyal to one kingdom/district in particular.


    • If a thread contains anything that could be triggering to some, it is appreciated if you'd put a trigger warning '[TW: SUBJECT]' within your thread title or somewhere at the top of your post. These subjects include, but are not limited to depressed/suicidal thoughts, forms of sexual violence, excessive violence, forms of abuse.
    • If you are uncertain if a topic is considered triggering, put a trigger warning in just to be safe.


    • The results of a rolled thread cannot be re-rolled. We ensure that rolled threads are moderated in a way that is fair to the players and give every player equal chances.
    • When holding a rolled thread with multiple people, please follow the posting order given by the Game Master account after their first response. If not given any directions, you can post whenever or figure the post order out by yourselves.