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  • Odirian Magic
    Everything about Odirian Magic
    Magic within the realm of Odiria is as common as most things mundane. Within Odiria, magic manifests within the form of energy that is able to be manipulated based on the user's race and/or abilities. It can be used for the greater good, but some might use it for selfish and harmful purposes.

    Magic was believed to have been created by the deities, back when they forged the realm. Hence why there are four 'types' of magic. There's dark magic, moon magic, sun magic and wood magic. Each of these magical energies come from a source. The closer to the source, the stronger the magic, but the harder to control it. Each magic source resides within its corresponding kingdom. The source of sun magic lies within Xaila, the source of moon magic lies within Lemuria, the source of wood magic lies hidden between the ruins of Avalon. For most individuals born with magic, it's typical for them to first exhibit signs during childhood, usually between the ages of 6 to 10 years old.

    Magic Rules

    TWT is meant to be a site with creative freedom, also when it comes to magic. Within this page you'll be given an explanation about how each type of magic works, which source of magic it uses and a few examples of how you could use it. Keep in mind that the staff can always ask you to alter the magic of your character to make it fit within the site’s lore. There are still set magic rules for a reason. Please read them carefully down below.

    • If your character is able to use magic, make sure to explain the way your character uses it in as much detail as possible within the ''magic'' section in your application.

    • In broad cases like moon-, sun- or wood magic we ask you to give your character one specialty within their magic. If your character is a moon elf for example, their specialty could be either water bending, healing wounds using water, casting illusions, etc. Please avoid giving your character more of these. If your character would have the ability of a professional illusion caster, it is still possible for them to bend water, but only in smaller and less professionalised ways.

    • Assign weaknesses related to your character's strong specialty. For example, an illusionist might tire from prolonged casting. These weaknesses are essential for balanced specialties and add intriguing plot elements.

    • All types of magic are not considered 'mastered' until age 50, so as not to make characters too overpowered. From this point on a character can call themselves a 'master' in their specific field if they have sufficiently trained from a young age. It generally takes around 40 years of extensive training to master magic.

    • Keep in mind that when your character practises moon-, sun- or wood magic, that their magic is more powerful, but harder to control the closer to their magic source!

    • Cursing or wounding another player's character can only be done with the player's permission! The magic on the site is supposed to be used for plot points and character development, not to have the strongest character that could take over the realm.

    • As the magic sources are heavily guarded in one way or another, they cannot be visited without staff permission!
    The three main types of magic are moon magic, sun magic and wood magic. This is the type of magic controlled by both elves and mages. While these types of magic use magic from their sources, there are other types of magic in the world that work a bit differently. The following list contains every type of magic and their magic source.


    Sources are ancient, nature related relics fully stored with magical energy. The kingdoms have been built around these sources on purpose, both to protect them and make use of them through their magic. They can be huge, glowing rocks, or a giant glowing tree. The sources in its purest form are just magical energy. The energy which spreads all over the realm and can be manipulated by the users will. Moon-, sun- or wood magic is stronger depending on how closer to the source you are. Sun magic within Ravaryn for example, would be really weak, as Xaila's magic source is all the way down at the southern part of Odiria, and Ravaryn resides within the north. The further a person is from their magic source, the more unpredictable their magic becomes.


    The source of moon magic is hidden underneath the city of Lythrania. Within the old throne room the floors can be opened to a cave-like vault which is closed with an ancient magic seal. It can only be opened under all of the following conditions; you have to be a moon elf, you have to belong to the royal family, you have to know the password. When opened, it reveals a big, underwater cave in which the source can be found. The source can only be inspected by merfolk, as they are the only ones with a breath long enough to reach the source. Lemuria's magic source takes the shape of a giant oyster, in which the magic source in its purest form resides.

    SMoon magic has several aspects to them. It is generally related to water, healing, illusions, psychic magic, winter and time. Waterbenders and illusionists are the most common among moon elves and -mages. When it comes to illusions, the tangibility depends on their type. If a character conjures a 'mirage,' creating an illusion of a nonexistent object (e.g., a person seeing a plant that isn't there), it remains intangible. However, if an illusion alters an existing object (e.g., changing hair colour or shaping a vase), the object is tangible. It's important to note that illusions, regardless of tangibility, fade over time. Illusion magic with regard to altering or removing memories is one of the hardest things to do, and only permanent when a moon elf who has mastered their magic does so. However, you could look at altering or removing memories for a few hours when your character has trained sufficiently.


    Xaila's magic source lies within the always guarded Oasis. The Xailan magic source is kept hidden within a cave-like vault, closed with an ancient magic seal which only opens under all of the following conditions; you have to be a sun elf, you have to belong to the royal family, you have to know the password. Xaila's magic source takes the form of a giant, glowing rock. Its heat can be felt from outside the vault.

    Sun magic can be anything related to fire and light. The most common way of using sun magic is the bending of flames to take the shape of the user's desire. Whether it is shooting fireballs out of their fingertips, or creating whips of fire. Some even mastered the arts of setting their own body parts on fire for a short amount of time. A fire mage or sun elf's weakness is often the risk of burns. When not having fully mastered their magic, second or even third degree burns are common .Control, discipline, and restraint are vital. Especially with sun magic, unconscious, emotion-influenced, or reckless use can be perilous.


    The source of wood magic lies within the ruins of Falerien, underneath what once was Avalon's capital city. While it used to be guarded by Avalon's royal guards back in the day, it is now guarded by the tribes of Avalon. On this neutral territory they set aside their differences and take turns guarding the source and Faleriens other treasures, using their fiercest warriors to do so. The source lies within a deep-underground dungeon which eventually leads to an underground cave. There, you'll be greeted with flowers and plants surrounding the source, using its magical light as their source of life and sunlight. The source takes the shape of a tree, which extends its branches throughout the whole cave.

    Wood magic is related to nature. Users of this magic type are able to grow plants, vines and flowers from the nature surrounding them. Some use their magic to grow beautiful flowers with healing properties, brewing all kinds of potions and remedies with them. Others use nature's strong forces to protect the things they love, using thick and powerful vines to restrict their opponents with. Some will even bend rocks to their will. They are able to bring life to whatever place they'll visit. Animals also seem to take a liking to wood elves and -mages. Although they cannot speak their language like druids, they are often good at handling them.
    Other Magic


    Unlike the previous types of magic, dark magic does not have its own source. The source of dark magic lies within taking the magical energy within other living creatures, hence why it has been declared forbidden ever since the discovery of it. Dark magic is strictly forbidden in all of Odiria. Those who use it have to do so secretly, because a punishment will follow if they're discovered. There are no teachers in this practice, except the ones a character might find in his/her own close circles. The way dark magic works is basically using whatever you can find. Kill a snake for example, and use its life force to create magical chains. Or use the horn of a unicorn to create a powerful, magical lance. All of these weapons and props, however, will be made of magical energy rather than actual material. Hence why they will always have some sort of odd, purple glow to betray their origin.

    Instead of using dark magic to transmute a whole new item, it can also be used to create cursed items. This is mostly known as "dark alchemy". Use the tooth of a snake to infuse tea with some of its poison, for example. Or curse someone's mirror using a creature's eyes, making it possible for you to view them through your own. In this case, the same pair of eyes must be used. One eye for your mirror, one eye for the other.

    The weakness of a dark mage lies within drawbacks. Using the unpredictable energy and life forces of other, living creatures often makes a spell turn out way differently than you intended. Injuries caused by dark magic objects exhibit normal effects, with only the object, perhaps glowing purple, as a trace. For example, using a snake's tooth for dark alchemy poisoning results in typical poisoning symptoms. Dark magic users may sense if someone was harmed by dark magic, depending on their mastery level and susceptibility to recognizing and feeling it.

    In character, dark magic has to make sense in a way like the examples above. As long as you don't use overpowered spells, you're free to interpret using dark magic however you like, using the examples as a guideline. Not sure if something you'd like to do is allowed? Please ask a staff member.


    Druids are magical creatures themselves, hence why they do not have the ability to learn other magic. Their magic source is the nature surrounding them. The expertise of a druid often runs within their families and is nourished by both talent and practice from a young age.

    Druids are able to perform several types of magic. Since all of these types are hard to master, they often have one ability of expertise. If, for example, extracting healing properties out of plants and flowers is their expertise, they still would be able to shapeshift, yet only for a very short amount of time, and only into small animals. The other abilities will always go wrong.

    Druids cannot utilise other forms of druidic magic while shapeshifting due to concentration limitations. Shifting demands intense focus, disrupting concentration on additional tasks like manipulating the weather. While it's possible for a druid to have multiple expertise areas, having two talents weakens their overall proficiency. Consequently, druids with weather manipulation skills may struggle with prolonged shifts and are restricted from transforming into large animals like bears or lions.

    The magical druid abilities are the following:

    Druids are born with the ability to communicate with fauna, if they nourish that ability from a young age, that is. Animal communication works telepathically. They cannot hear the animals talk to them, but they can feel whatever they want to say and translate it within their own words.

    Druids can extract healing or poisoning properties from the plants and flowers surrounding them. It is common for them to extract these abilities and brew them into potions used for all sorts of things. Some specialise in healing, others in the more dangerous side of potion brewing.

    Druids can shapeshift into various animal forms. They either have the ability to shapeshift into several, smaller animals for a short amount of time, or have mastered shapeshifting into a specific animal for as long as they please. Clothing does not shift together with the user. Only their physical body does. Druids cannot become stuck in an intermediate state during shifting. Their animal forms also cannot adapt to different environments over time. The distinct nature of animals, such as leopards and snow leopards, prevents them from being treated interchangeably.
    OOC NOTE: Shapeshifting into dragons or other mythical creatures is not possible.

    Some druids have mastered the ability to manipulate the weather, creating rain and thunderstorms at their will. Weather manipulation is often distinguishable from the actual weather, as it only targets an area as big as an average village when mastered. If not mastered, the ability will only take place on a few square metres surrounding the user.


    Sorcerer magic does not come from a source. When their ancestors were granted dragon's blood, they became their own source. This applies to every type of sorcerer magic. All sorcerers' weaknesses lie in exhaustion. A fortune teller cannot endlessly receive prophecies or use their gift without feeling exhausted. Same goes for a summoner, who has to master the amount of time for which they can summon their celestial familiar. The longer the beast stands beside them in the physical realm, the more exhausted they get. A necromancer shares this weakness. Reviving a whole person costs great amounts of energy, and it is probably the most exhausting magic of all.

    Divination sorcerers carry the gift of divination, granted to them by Ylindar. Divination magic implies that the user is being able to see the future. Whether it is through prophecies, vague images, through cards, the stars, ruins or even dreams. Each divination sorcerer has their own way of practising and using their gift. They cannot exactly tell you your future with full accuracy, as it constantly changes, but will mostly use symbolism or vague prompts to do so. Their visions also tend to happen sporadically, though it can be trained so that a sorcerer can force themselves to see a prophecy.

    Gifted to them by the dragon Jhaan, the Zinyra family was granted the gift of Necromancy. A feared gift by many, even a forbidden practice within any other kingdom than Xaila. Necromancy is the ability to bring those who have died back to life. However, their souls cannot be restored in the process. Bringing a dead person back to live makes them a hollow vessel, a slave to its newly found master that has brought him back to the realm of the living. They have no free will, nor a heart, soul or any emotions. They cannot speak either. Their only purpose is to obey the one who has given them a second chance at life. Notions of 'shades' and 'souls' don't apply in this world, preventing necromancers from manipulating these elements.

    Revived corpses, weakened and short-lived, last longer with a character's experience, but the maximum duration is a few hours. More experienced necromancers can revive multiple people, though it requires considerable effort. The rotting process halts during resurrection, but revived corpses, vulnerable in battle, risk being irreversibly destroyed. Only recently departed individuals with flesh and skin intact can be revived, excluding ancient soldiers. Xaila, Ravaryn, and Lemuria burn the deceased, except for limited exceptions in Xaila, where even then, usage is tightly regulated.

    Necromancy is a forbidden practice within all of Odiria, except for Xaila. With permission from the current ruler, there are a few exceptions in which necromancy is allowed. A battlefield in which the kingdom is holding a losing hand, for example. SUMMONINGThe Vylasar family stems from the blood of Laphiss, and was gifted the power to summon mighty, celestial beasts. Through their staff which is custom to each sorcerer and their celestial familiar, they can summon their beast through a self proclaimed spell. This spell is different from each summoner, and can be a phrase or simply a word. Staffs used for summoning can be fixed or repaired, though summoners may need time to readjust after repairs, depending on the duration of the fixing process and how long they've been without their staff.

    Each summoner only has one celestial familiar. These familiars are slightly bigger than the usual animal they represent, and are made out of pure, magical energy. They are transparent, glowing beings. Believed to be made out of the same material as stars. You can touch them, but they won't feel like fur or skin. Just energy. Each sorcerer has one celestial familiar they're able to summon. Even though this beast is nothing more than a source of energy, sorcerers and their familiars often seem to have an unbreakable bond. Perhaps, these beasts are only able to feel emotions towards their creator. Familiars in Time Will Tell can't truly "die," rendering them more durable. If defeated, summoners can resurrect them later, but the summoning process exhausts the user, requiring rest or energy recovery before summoning again. Familiars retain the abilities of their original animals, avoiding complications like a lion flying.
    Elves vs. Mages
    While mages and elves both make use of moon-, sun- and moon magic, an elf's magic will always be more powerful than that of a mage. Elves are born connected to their magic source, while mages have to connect to that source through training, studying and the belief within their patron themselves. It is much harder for a mage to master the same specialty or skill as it is for an elf. Keep this in mind when writing out the magic of your character!


    All elf subraces are bound to the magic of the source they were born having their connection with. Moon elves can only use moon magic, sun elves can only use sun magic and wood elves can only use wood magic. Unlike mages, they do not need a spellbook nor spells to use their magic abilities. Their connection to the magic source lets them use the magic through the tops of their fingertips. Some elves like to bind spell names to their magic, as it gives them more of a connection to the magic they're casting, but most do not.


    The way a mage learns magic is by studying hard, trial and error, and finally writing their taught spells down within their spellbook. Unlike sorcerers, mages are only able to cast spells by using language and holding their spellbook. The tying of magic to a phrase or word and the feeling one ties to this phrase or word, together with their belief within their patron is what makes a mage's magic. Mages summon their spells from within their spellbook, this is why they have to hold onto it while casting spells. The book can not be anything else than a book, so there are no bundles of letters or stone tablets. Before starting their study, a mage needs to 'bless' the book they're going to use by leaving it at their home-made deity shrine or a temple for one night.

    Mage magic is also heavily associated with a patron. Wood mages believe in Adelia, sun mages believe in Xeion, etc. It is uncommon for someone to believe in a patron that is not the patron of their kingdom. A sun mage from Lemuria would be uncommon for example. While uncommon, it is allowed if your character has a good reason behind their beliefs. A sun mage from Lemuria who believes in Xeion, even though raised with Lemurian beliefs surrounding them their whole life, would be unrealistic in a world and setting where religion plays such a big role within the kingdoms.

    A mage's magic will always be weaker than that of an elf. This also means they are never able to reach the full magical potential that an elf has. For example, mages cannot create weapons out of thin air like elves. However, mages can enchant existing weapons using their spellbook.

    Unlike elves, mages have the potential to change their magic type by altering their patron deity, necessitating a profound shift in their belief system rather than a matter of convenience. This transformation is more of a once-a-lifetime event, and once the change occurs, mages lose all previous abilities and must restart from scratch. Official training is non-existent, with a mage's journey being a lifelong commitment without a defined endpoint. Switching to dark magic is possible without changing the belief system but is equally impactful, requiring a significant life-changing commitment with the loss of previous progress.