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  • FAQ
    Frequently asked questions about the site
    Odiria is quite the big RP site in terms of lore, info and mechanics. We understand that, even though you've read through the whole guidebook, you might have missed or overlooked some information because of that huge amount of info. With lore-heavy sites like this, it is also possible for the staff to think that they have explained everything the best they could, because the lore already makes sense within their heads. Unfortunately former experiences have proved otherwise. What might be clear to a staff member who has come up with the lore, may still be confusing to the members. We encourage our members to ask questions about the things they do not understand yet.

    That is where our FAQ comes into play! Within this guidebook page we'll post every question that has already been asked by a member. So if you're confused about something, make sure to take a look at the FAQ page before asking the staff! Maybe someone else has already asked the same question so you won't have to wait for an answer anymore. We hope the FAQ will be a helpful tool to avoid the same questions being asked several times.
    Game-related Questions

    Questions regarding the lore

    Q: Q: Is it possible for my character who originally comes from one of the kingdoms, to live within Ashmoor and vice versa?

    A: Lore wise, it wouldn't be a very realistic choice unless your Odirian character has a reason to live within Ashmoor and vice versa. It is allowed, though, if you keep a few things in mind. Ashmoor has passports for example, especially used within Alderrath. If you want your Odirian character to live within Ashmoor, they have to have an IC reason to get hold of a (false) Ashmoor passport. Another thing that you have to keep in mind, is that an elf would be more easily spotted within Ashmoor than a mage, due to their appearances and sent to criminal trial for it.

    Q: Xaila is a matriarchy, what does this mean in the context of Odiria's world?

    A: A matriarchy's literal meaning is a social system in which women hold the primary power positions in roles of authority. In Odiria's case, this social system signifies a whole kingdom. Within the kingdom of Xaila, it is more common for women to hold power positions such as Queen, High Priestess, etc. This means that when marrying, the man marries into the family of the woman instead of the usual other way around. The man will be granted the woman's last name, and so will their children.

    Q: Since Ashmoor is much less prone to gender equality, is it possible for my female character to hold a job that might be considered ‘male-only’? Such as a doctor?

    A: It is possible! However, like with many jobs in Ashmoor, people frown upon women fulfilling them, since women are believed to be the ‘lesser’ sex. Your character might receive a few weird looks if she’s a female doctor, but it is not at all against the law. You’ll usually find women being nurses rather than doctors. If you want to challenge the status quo there’s all the more reason for a female character to be a doctor.

    Q: My character is getting married! But what surname do they take?

    A: Congrats! In the hierarchy of surnames in TWT, the ranks are structured as follows:

    1. Main line royals (the King/Queen and their children) and the Winter family hold the highest position
    2. Lesser royals (not from the main branch) and lesser Winters (not from the main branch)
    3. Baron (Ashmoor) and Governor families
    4. Sorcerer families
    5. Other Families

    Main royals and Winters retain the family surname, while their spouses adopt it. Royals and Winters not from the main branch are also elevated in status. Sorcerers retain their name unless they marry into a higher-ranking family, and if sorcerers marry each other, they keep their individual names. Sorcerer children inherit the sorcerer name if they possess magic, or the highest ranking name if they don't.

    Questions regarding magic

    Q:If the kingdom has four deities and four magic types that humans are able to learn to become mages, and sun magic is related to Xeion, moon to Lythrana, etc. Does that mean that dark magic is related to Ranaan?

    A: No, dark magic is not related to Ranaan. However, many dark mages come from Ravaryn and believe in Ranaan, as Ravaryn does not have other magic related to their patron. The reason why a Ravaryn citizen who has grown up there and believed in Ranaan for their whole life will not be practising sun magic or moon magic, is because in order to practise sun or moon magic, their belief within their patron plays a big role. However, dark magic is still forbidden in Ravaryn. Dark magic must be practised in secret within every allegiance.

    Questions regarding the game mechanics

    None yet
    OOC questions
    None yet