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  • Meet the staff
    The people behind TWT's staff
    Welcome to our "meet the staff" page within the guidebook. While not necessary like the guidebook's other pages, we figured that it might be nice to have a proper summary of the current volunteers who try their best to make the best out of TWT. Beside the small introduction, you're able to see which elements of moderating fall under each staff member's tasks. Some admins have clearer answers about the lore or a certain allegiance perhaps, while others could more easily help you out with code and layout fixes.

    One important thing to keep in mind, is that all of us are just volunteers in the end. We dedicate loads of our free time to keep the site running without financial compensation or what not. Not that we care, because we love the site that we've spent so much time developing and creating a safe and fun environment and world for people to RP in, but do keep in mind that we are people with lives outside of being a staff member. Thank you in advance! ♡


    Administrators are the heads of the TWT staff. They cut the ties within big decisions for the site, implement new ideas within lore or the layout, and are responsible for colouring people's usernames and giving them their proper ranks on their profiles. Beside that, they do basically everything that moderators do, but focus less on reading through threads and more on developing the site further.
    Co-Founder & Editor
    Hi! My name is Jules. I am one of TWT's founders and one of the people you can ask questions regarding the lore. I am also the one responsible for the site's layout, so if you have any questions or spot any mistakes within the layout, site templates or other code-related things, feel free to shoot me a DM either on my main account Lucian Efrain or on Discord!
    DO: Questions about layout, codes! Occasional lore questions too.
    DON'T: Don't expect an immediate reply. I am a full time student as of now and trying my best to get back to you asap!
    Co-founder & Administrator
    Hiya! My name is Ro. I'm the co-founder of TWT and one of the admins. You can ask me questions regarding the lore and application-related matters. If you have any ideas about plots or lore, you can come to me! As a team, we encourage you to use your creativity as long as it fits within the existing lore. Feel free to shoot me a DM either on my main account Arianna Ylindar or on Discord!
    DO: Questions about literally everything, you name it!
    DON'T: Expect me to reply immediately as I'm a full-time student too, expect the impossible to happen, drama (geen thee geen schaduw)


    Like administrators, moderators are also of great importance to the staff. Beside accepting and keeping track of things like the face claim list, their responsibility lies mostly within moderating the site. Reading through threads to see if things are realistic or coming up with fun random event ideas for certain threads.
    Well, hi there! I’m Nienn and I am super honoured to be a part of this wonderful team as a Moderator! I will also try to help out as much as I can with everything lore-related, and I’m always open to plot out adventures with a lot of my characters ^^. While I am certainly not a professional when it comes down to coding, I don’t really mind helping out with any simple issues, or with anything avatar/signature related. You can always ask me anything in my DM’s on Discord or on my main account; Perdita Amedda.
    DO: Questions about lore, applications, username changes, events, plots, simple/small coding issues or avatars/sigs.
    DON'T: Don’t: Questions about coding issues or layout things.
    Hello there! I'm Waz and I'm a moderator here on TWT. While I'm not one of the admins, I'll try to help you out with anything lore or site related. I have a lot of actieforum experience and I love worldbuilding and plotting, so don't be afraid to contact me when you're stuck on something. Feel free to DM me on my main account Cassandra Mercier or on Discord!
    DO: Questions about lore, applications, username changes, events, actieforum things, simple coding issues!
    DON'T: Questions about larger layout coding issues


    VIPS are people who aren't part of the official staff anymore, but still hold some kind of influence over certain aspects of the site. Sometimes over the region they've helped to develop, sometimes over things like layout changes, etc. Most of these have helped develop the site before opening. They do not have staff-rights on their accounts, so they cannot help you with anything regarding usernames changes or colours.
    Hi, I'm Cat and I helped on some of the lore regarding Ashmoor! I made the very conscious decision to not be one of the Admins as I simply do not have the time, so for other stuff it is probably best to ask Jules or Ro!
    DO: Make cool plots with me
    DON'T: Forget to have a great time :-)