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  • High Rank Summary
    On an open world RP like this, it is common to have quite a lot of higher ranks. TWT is no exception. As these ranks play an important part in the world and will probably switch every now and then, we've decided to dedicate a section of the Guidebook to sum up each current high rank, who currently plays the rank and a few sentences about anything important that you need to know about this character.

    A summary of the current high ranks of Ravaryn.


    The King of Ravaryn, Orion Ylindar, is a true-hearted and brave man. His heart is full of his Kingdom but more so for the ones he loves. He's intelligent and responsible. Even as a young man, he was wise beyond his years. As a ruler he is everything regal: a true-born leader, calm and confident. He is able to maintain civil conversation with those he does not get along with well. He rarely gets angry and when he does, those around him cower in fear. His fierce loyalty to his country has earned him the respect of his citizens, which he gratefully returns.


    As a stranger, the Crown Princess of Ravaryn might seem just as cold as her surroundings. Yet Arianna Ylindar's frosty demeanour thaws as you get to know her. She is kind and compassionate to those she knows. Even strangers are treated fairly by her. Her family comes before all and it is often when she is around her relatives that her more open side truly shines through. In moments of comfort her face is graced with a smile and energy that can warm up a room in the toughest winter nights.


    Orion Ylindar has several children. The order is: Regulus Ylindar [NPC], Arianna Ylindar, Adaliah Ylindar, Marius Ylindar, and the twins Marcella Ylindar and Scorpius Ylindar.


    The current High Priestess of Ravaryn is Camilla Rizal. Once a devoted priest, the people of Ravaryn believe she has reclaimed her gift of divination, that wasn't granted to her at birth. As she is the first sorcerer born without magic who was able to reclaim her gift, the choice for her to be the next High Priestess was almost set in stone. Not ever has someone reached the level of devotion to the deities where reclaiming a birthright, a gift of magic was possible. The truth is, however, that she has never actually accomplished this. She uses her daughter, Alyssia, for her prophecies and fortune telling.

    Governess of Norwyn

    After mercifully ending the misery of her sick father, Rán Trygg became governess of Norwyn. They say people from Norwyn are the toughest of the Kingdom, and their governess proves it. A true fighter, she doesn't shy away from the sword. She is straight to the point, shows no mercy and rarely feels any remorse. But that is born from a perfectionist and determined mindset: If she doesn't do it herself, it won't happen.

    Governor of Sleetspire

    The former general of Ishgard's army was appointed governor not long ago. Erek Trygg is harsh to his enemies and kind and warm to those close to him. He is able to both be extremely merciful and hard in his judgments. He is quick on his feet when dealing with situations and will not show any doubt about the decisions he makes. Erek always tries to do what’s best for Ravaryn.
    A summary of the current high ranks of Lemuria.

    Council Head

    Ezriel Elaéydar used to be the crown prince of Lemuria. A year before the time of the site's opening, quite soon after he had to take his father's place as King, Ezriel decided to take a step no kingdom has ever done before. For the sake of 'justice' and a feeling of solidarity between the people, he decided to bid farewell to the monarchy and rule Lemuria as a council, together with the heads of five trusted families close to the Elaéydars. Rather than ''your highness'', he is now known as the Lemurian council head.

    Council Members

    Chancellor: After the death of her uncle, Vasilisa Aerendyl was sent to Moonbright by her father, the Governor of Silvercrest. The Chancellor is a diplomat who handles domestic affairs, as well as those with regard to the other kingdoms. The position entails helping and representing the Head of the Council and overseeing the city in his absence. Vasilisa is a very friendly, kind and compassionate young woman. She has a good heart and usually tries to reach out. Even though she's quite idealistic, she's not an idle dreamer.

    Master of Finances: Eccentric is a good way to describe Catherine Vasilevsky. While the Vasilevsky family usually tries to follow the rules, Catherine is willing to take more risks. She is the Master of Finances, meaning she is in charge of everything concerning money, be it for the council or for the whole kingdom.

    Master of Resources X

    Master of Whispers: The stoic and stern Solomon Emoira is the advisor in matters of intelligence and espionage for the council. This person is a master at communications and can find out people's deepest secrets. He shows little to none emotions as long as he isn't sure who he can trust and he's extremely loyal to the council, but is also not afraid to use whatever necessary to keep his and other secrets safe.

    Master of Arms: The military commander Vincent Greywell is a strategist in and outside of battle. With his stern and dismissive demeanour he now serves the realm as its stern and cold protector, leading the army with cruel efficiency. Both as a member of the council and general of the realm, he will ensure that the Lemurian Alliance remains strong and its armies ready.

    High Priestess of Lemuria



    Peter Vylasar is cunning and brutal, more than willing to sacrifice matters that —while only trivial to him— are important to others. He is extremely ambitious: his goals and accomplishing those are everything to him. It is likely that he intends to betray any who do not suit his purpose, however, which won't be known until it is too late. He harbours deep and dark feelings for people he believes are on the wrong side: opposite of his.

    GOVERNOR OF Silvercrest

    Hailing from the most noble and ancient Aerendyl family, Andreas Aerendyl was meant to rule Silvercrest. He is a man full of contradictions. He is imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, and curious yet focused. In life he relies on his wisdom, insight, logic, and willpower. He is by all means an impressive man that many both look up to and look towards for guidance.
    A summary of the current high ranks of Avalon.

    Chief of the Blue Moon Tribe

    Percival Willow did not wish to take over the role as Chief. However, the elders of the tribe found him to be the most suitable, and he could do nothing but accept their offer. A shy man, he usually doesn't speak much. However, Percival can take a leader's position when need be. Gone is the shy demeanour and a commanding and demanding leader has taken its place.




    Elenwë Fenrora has always been very involved with the wellbeing of Wealdstone. While not so much in a political sense, she has been a guard stationed around the city and Falerien ever since she came of age. Even though she is no wood elf and has struggled with her identity and her sense of belonging, she loves her hometown. Her ambitions always involved getting higher up in the guard and remaining in Wealdstone.
    A summary of the current high ranks of Xaila.

    Queen of Xaila [NPC]

    Radhja Daetrys currently holds the throne of Xaila, ruling the desert kingdom with both pride and grace. The fiery Queen is well respected within the kingdom. While her reign is firm, her heart remains pure, and has not been corrupted by the greed and power some monarch's or matriarch's have to suffer.

    Crown Princess of Xaila

    People often refer to Nymeria Daetrys as the future mother of her people, and with good reason. She is a warm soul with a striking yet intriguing character. A smooth talker, her extroverted nature makes the occasion of her wrapping people up in her warmth not all that rare. She's a passionate woman with a caring heart for her family.


    Radhja Daetrys has several children. The order is: Nymeria Daetrys, Rashid Daetrys, Nephthys Daetrys, Phaedra Daetrys, Perseophone Daetrys and Xahena Daetrys.

    High Priest of Xaila

    Asmodai Zinyra is not your typical priest. And so he doesn't run his temple like one. It's still a holy place where worship takes centre stage, yet it is also very free. He tends to take on a laid-back attitude most of the time. He is comfortable engaging with people on their terms, appearing as easygoing and friendly.




    Axera Elaris serves as their fierce protector of her tribe, ready to defend it against any threat, both external and internal. She is demanding, holding high standards for herself and those around her. She expects quite a lot from the sisters and is unafraid to set strict expectations for them. However, that firmness is also tempered by a softer side, and deep down, she does possess a sympathetic nature.
    A summary of the current high ranks of Ashmoor.


    By birth, Edward Winter is the rightful leader of Ashmoor. The Duke is a leader who knows what he wants and knows how to get there. Despite his luxurious life, he is not afraid to get his hands dirty; the scars on his face do not suggest otherwise. He is a pretty straightforward man and does not like playing mind games.

    Heiress to Ashmoor

    Daughter to Edward and Cassandra Winter, Alison Winter is the rightful heiress to Ashmoor. The young woman is bright and charming and has mastered the art of the elite lifestyle. This lifestyle comes with certain responsibilities and expectations, some that come easy to her and others that her parents have to push her a little harder for, something that they will never hesitate to do.

    High Priest of Ashmoor


    Baron of Dawnmire

    After the loss of his brother, Victor Grimaldi was suddenly given the role of Baron of Dawnmire. Even with the difficulties he has faced, his loyalty towards Ashmoor and his family has eventually made him step up to fulfil a role that was never meant to be his. Victor is the kind of person that can win someone over in the blink of an eye. He has quite a charming personality, often making use of his skill to entertain people in the most creative ways.

    Baron of Glimmerhollow

    A rebellious son who was never meant to be Baron. And yet after his father suffered an accident, Frederick Eckhart was convinced to take his father's place. Unlike most of his peers he is very open to other people's way of living and believes. You can't really call him a charismatic person, for he isn't a really smooth talker. But he has something alluring to him, people tend to flock towards him.