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  • Geography
    Everything about the realm's geography
    Maps & Travel Time


    Handmade by the finest cartographer in the realm (aka Ro!), the maps underneath showcase Odiria in all of its glory. The first general map displays all of the important cities, towns and landmarks. The second map shows the allegiance territories and the last map showing Odiria's most common roads. There are also regional maps for each country which go into more geographical detail, such as displaying road names and villages. Click the titles on the images above for a full view of the maps!

    Travel Time

    This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into travel routes, durations, road quality, and the inherent dangers associated with specific regions. It provides a strategic overview of land and boat travel options. It serves as an essential reference for travellers, ensuring a safer and more informed journey through the diverse landscapes of this fantasy realm. May your voyages be prosperous and secure!


    Travel routes and durations by horse

    Yellow Route: Moonbright to Zahriyah
    • Duration: approximately 5 days
    • Moonbright to Silvercrest: 2 days

    Pink Route Moonbright to Al-Qahil
    • Duration: 2 to 2.5 weeks

    Blue Route Al-Qahil to Norwyn
    • Duration: 3.5 weeks

    Green Route Moonbright to Norwyn
    • Duration: 4 to 4.5 weeks

    • Alderrath to Dawnmire: short day
    • Alderrath to Glimmerhollow: approximately 3 days
    • Note: Ashmoor boasts the best roads in Odiria


    Travel routes and durations by ship

    Yellow Route: Lythrania to Moonbright
    • Duration: approximately 2 to 3 days

    Pink Route Moonbright to Al-Qahil
    • Duration: a minimum of 20 days (3 weeks)

    Blue Route Ishgard to Al-Qahil
    • Duration: at least 36 days (5 weeks + a bit)

    Green Route Wealdstone to Falerien
    • Duration: about 3 to 4 days

    Red Route: Alderrath to Dawnmire
    • Duration: no more than 1 day

    Purple Route Alderrath to Moonbright
    • Duration: a minimum of 9 days
    • Note: not generally applicable

    Road quality in Odiria
    The thickness of the road on the ‘Odiria’s Roads’ map corresponds to the quality of the road in the RPG. Thicker lines indicate better roads. Dotted roads represent more like 'paths' than proper roads. Carriages cannot traverse Infernal Wilds, Avalon, or any mountain ranges, except for travel between Ishgard and Sleetspire

    Dangerous routes
    The Infernal Wilds is dangerous for inexperienced travellers not from Xaila, and travel time is considerable. The Everlasting Path to Falerien and the Ancient Way from Falerien toward Ravaryn pose as the only neutral roads through Avalon. The Ancient Mountains are extremely perilous for anyone not from Sleetspire. Travel between Ashmoor and the rest of Odiria is not generally applicable and is primarily for unconventional situations, such as for pirates.

    Land travel vs. sea travel
    While horse travel is faster, individuals of noble stature, council members, royals, and sorcerers often opt for boat travel, particularly when in larger groups. This choice is motivated by the perceived safety of sea travel. In Xaila, navigating through the perilous Infernal Wilds is necessary, especially for larger groups. Travel through Avalon is similarly discouraged due to the associated dangers. Characters may choose to traverse these hazardous regions on horseback, but a knowledgeable guide is highly recommended for their safety.
    Embark on a journey through Odiria's enchanting realms, where nature's dance shapes climates, flora, and fauna. Each section covers the aforementioned for every country. The Odirian Nature chapter invites you to discover the untamed beauty that binds the fate of all living things, but be careful not to get lost in its beauty.


    The northern kingdom is renowned for its harsh temperatures. Climates range from a continental climate near the southern border and Ishgard to a subarctic climate in the lands north of Norwyn. The Frozen Heights are the coldest area in all of Odiria. Near these mountains Frostcrown lasts much longer than the average three moons. In Ravaryn temperatures reach from a maximum of -20 in Frostcrown to 15 degrees in Sunpeak. In Ishgard and the more southern region, unlike other places in the region, temperatures are more tolerable and the temperatures range from -5 to 20 degrees.

    Ravaryn consists of tundras and taigas. The forests in the north are made up of hardwood (oak and sugar maple trees) and boreal forests (spruce and fir trees). The seeds and roots of plants in Ravaryn are able to withstand the harsh winter and reappear in the summer. Because temperatures in Ishgard are more tolerable, flora have a chance to thrive year round.

    In the cold lands of Ravaryn predators like bears, wolves, lynxes roam the ground while birds of prey like eagles and owls guard the sky. Aside from these predators a vast array of prey animals can be found, such as reindeer, elks, moose and musk oxen. Smaller animals such as arctic foxes and hares have adapted to the cold and can survive in the snow. Other creatures such as rabbits, badgers and deer choose more agreeing climates to live in such as the land surrounding Ishgard and the forest near the southern border. The waters of the Emerald Abyss and the Crystal Stream are occupied by walruses, bearded- and leopard seals, narwhals, orcas and an array of fish.


    Due to its southern location, Lemuria has a more temperate climate than its neighbour Ashmoor. In its mediterranean climate temperatures range from above 0 degrees in Frostcrown to an average of 23 degrees in Sunpeak. Near the border with Xaila, temperatures are known to be hotter than in the rest of the land. The warm winds from the ocean keep the Lemurian Isles pleasantly warm. Frostcrown is never really harsh in Lemuria, it snows only during the harshest periods.

    The land of Lemuria is the most fertile in all of Odiria. The ecosystem consists mostly of deciduous lush forests and rich green grasslands. The Elder- and Golden Forest are filled with mighty oak and walnut and chestnut trees while other parts of Lemuria are filled with vineyards and other fruit trees. Near the south, the warmth allows for olive-, fig- and citrus trees to grow. There is an abundance of flowers in the Lemurian green fields, such as: lilies, roses, sunflowers, peonies and poppies.

    Unlike other regions, Lemuria is shy of predators. There are bears, foxes and wild boars but they keep to the thick forests. Mighty beasts like centaurs and pegasi also occupy the forests, although they are rarely ever spotted. For hunters the forests provide prey such as deer. In the vast green fields, one might come across wild horses aside from the regular farming animals such as sheep and cows. Smaller animals that roam the lands consist of skunks, beavers, otters, badgers and hares. The bird life consists mostly of ducks, geese and migrating birds. As fertile as the Lemurian land is, as fertile are its waters. The Mirrored River and the Sanguine sea are filled with an abundance of fish, lobsters and crabs. Other sea creatures like sea turtles and dolphins also inhabit these waters. If unlucky, one might even come across a siren in the waters of the Sanguine Sea or the Ever-Reaching Ocean.

    Lythrania lies underneath the surface of the Sanguine Sea. It is protected by a magical barrier created by Laphiss, which works as a dome over the city. Even if the dome did not mirror the day and night cycle, it is still visible even without the magic of the dome, since the city doesn’t sit too far under water. Flora in the city has adapted to a combination of underwater life and dragon magic. With little sunlight yet a presence of oxygen, plants are a hybrid of what one would find above the waters and below the surface. Trees grow upward yet won’t ever grow close enough to the barrier to endanger it. Bushes have a bit of an odd blue-greenish colour, much like unique dark blue roses that grow on them. One of the most unique outcomes of Lythrania’s dome is a type of dragon fruit that has a particular sweet yet salty taste and is bright green.


    The land of Avalon has a tropical climate. Inhabitants of Avalon experience high mean annual temperatures, small temperature ranges and rain that falls throughout the year. This type of climate has every moon of the year with an average of 21 degrees, with Sunpeak averaging around 26 degrees. Frostcrown never brings any snow and temperatures don't drop below 16 degrees. Avalon’s borders are clearly distinguishable. This is most obvious in the north of the land where there are no mountains guarding the land and the rainforest quickly fades into pine wood. The climate changes quickly and the temperatures drop once the border is crossed. Avalon maintained some of its essence, which makes it seem as if some of the Kingdom’s magic remains even long after the Crimson Raid…

    Hidden behind both the Slopes of Shadow and the Ancient Mountains lies the deep rainforest that makes up the Fallen Kingdom of Avalon. The heart of the land is made up of a tropical rainforest that slowly fades into a temperate rainforest as you get closer to the edges of the kingdom. In some places like Wealdstone and the ruins of Falerien, the forest is more open. The natural land features also include a sizable river called the Arrowhead Run. The diversity is high and the land is filled with different fruit trees like banana and guava to poisonous plants. There is also an array of spices like cinnamon and ginger to be found, as well as many herbs.

    The Nocturnal Woods are a looming presence in the south of Avalon. In these woods it is always night time, since the tall trees allow no sunlight to peek through. Not much is known about the vegetation in this area except for its glowing fungi that give the place its only source of light. Some people say a sickness has fallen over this forest, others see it as a sign that the magic of Avalon is still alive.

    Before the Crimson Raid the rainforest of Avalon was known as Taur-i-Melegym, which is Elvish for “Forest of Great Trees”. After the Raid the name was lost and nowadays this part of the land is called the Adelian Rainforest. Like the rainforest, the dark woods in the south of Avalon were once named Taur-nu-Fuin, which is elvish for “Forest of Darkness”. Nowadays the dark woods are called the “Nocturnal Woods”. Only wood elves still refer to the old names.

    The dense forests that overgrow the ruins of Falerien are teeming with dangerous wildlife. Predators such as jaguars, pumas and panthers guard the land. Reptiles pose just as much of a threat with boa constrictors, pythons and bush vipers crawling around. Other mammals that roam these lands include sloths, howler- and capuchin monkeys, lemurs and anteaters. Birdlife is equally diverse with kingfishers, toucans and parrots flying through trees. In the waters of the Arrowhead Run one can find crabs and freshwater turtles, but also piranhas, tiger fish and crocodiles. Mythical beasts such as unicorns, pegasi and centaurs can pose both a threat as well as a blessing, depending on who they’re dealing with. One would do well not to anger these creatures.


    As the most southern kingdom, Xaila is known for its difficulty to live in. The only exception are the lands surrounding the Wild Cascade and the Hidden Oasis. The country has a hot semi-arid climate in which temperatures vary from 25 degrees in Frostcrown to an average of 35 in Sunpeak. At night temperatures can drop to 15 degrees. Rain is not uncommon in Xaila but far less than the other regions in Odia. Snow, however, is unheard of.

    The Infernal Wilds, stretching from east of Jahriyah all the way to the Sea of Durmar, has a desert climate. In this desert a temperature of 38 degrees is normal. Midday readings of 45 degrees are not uncommon and in Sunpeak, a scorching heat prevails. At night, the temperature drops significantly to around 20 degrees. In the wasteland, sand and dust storms are known to occur.

    The land of Xaila is well endowed with vegetation for a desert, with the exception of the Infernal Wilds. The ground consists of marls and sandstone with little vegetation, and it is unable to retain moisture from the little rainfall that occurs. Instead, the rain causes erosion, forming the characteristic landscape of badlands. The Wild Cascade, as well as the Fair Creek, make places such as Al-Qahil and the Hidden Oasis a paradise in the wastelands. Around the waters luscious plants grow, such as palm trees, citrus- and olive trees. Other plants include belladonna, jasmine, thyme and esparto grass that thrives on the sandstone soil.

    In Xaila the predators are as dangerous as the land itself. Crocodiles, snakes, scorpions and hyenas roam the lands in search of their next meal. Up in the Slopes of Shadow and the Arid Rise mountain lions and lynxes lure nearby. The air is filled with vultures, eagles and hawks. These animals have sharp senses, as it's the only way to survive. Less dangerous animals include goats, flamingos, lizards and magpies. Camels are a popular way to travel through the land, especially through the Infernal Wilds. The waters are filled with fish such as barracuda and moon fish.

    The Infernal Wilds is a desert made up of sand and sand dunes. There is little vegetation here, as very few plants can survive the absence of rainfall. Cacti are desert specialists, as the plant absorbs water. Just as there’s little to no plant life, there is almost no fauna to be found in the desert. Those who can survive are often predators such as eagles, vultures, wild dogs and desert foxes. If you’re truly unlucky you’ll encounter a sand worm.
    Note: the only 'desert' (as in sand & sand dunes) consists of the Infernal Wilds, the rest of Xaila's land vegetation- and soil wise can be compared to the Tabernas desert in Spain.


    The climate in Ashmoor is a moderate one, more specifically a humid continental climate with a warm summer. All months average with temperatures around 18 degrees, with at least four months averaging above 15 degrees. Winter has temperatures of around 8 degrees, but the coldest month can have temperatures below 0 degrees. The Ashmoor climate experiences precipitation throughout the year, with no dry season. In summer there may be storms and in winter snowfalls.

    The land of Ashmoor consists mostly of grasslands. However, flowering plants and trees can also be found. Because of its borders, Ashmoor knows no big landmarks: no forests or rivers, just the hills cascading from the Ancient Mountains. The mountains however do not belong to the country. Trees such as sequoia, oak, spruce and cedar trees can be found. Other plants include dandelion, ferns, nightshade and an array of flowers. Their lavender fields stretch wide across the lands and colour it purple.

    Because of a lack of places to hide, predators in Ashmoor have grown more dangerous than usual. Wolves, foxes and the occasional bear roam the land, with the occasional grass snake slithering on the ground. Eagles, falcons and owls fly through the sky. Less dangerous animals include wild horses, deer and bison. Smaller animals that thrive on the land are hedgehogs, squirrels and swans.
    Resources & Trade
    In this section of the guidebook we unravel the diverse wealth each country possesses. It discusses the natural resources of each country and the way they exchange this through intricate trade networks. It reveals alliances and dependencies that shape the prosperity and power of each nation.


    Ravaryn is known for its high quality weapons, precious metals and gemstones. Because of this it’s the second richest country in all of Odiria. The Ancient Mountains and the Frozen Heights provide the kingdom with raw materials like iron and obsidian. In these mountains rare minerals like gold, silver and diamonds are also to be found, aside from other gemstones like ruby and amethyst. The people of Ravaryn are extremely skilled with their tools and are known to enchant their weapons with magic. They are also fierce and expert knights. Sleetspire is the base of mining operations and the materials are later crafted in Ishgard. Norwyn’s harbour is used to ship these products, aside from it being a popular fishing and hunting place.

    The kingdom lies rather secluded behind the Ancient Mountains and the Adelian Jungle. It makes them self-sufficient and independent, but doesn’t stop them from trading with Lemuria, Xaila and even Avalon. Out of all the kingdoms Ravaryn has the best relationship with Lemuria and Xaila. They are hostile towards Ashmoor, especially since the Ashmoorians tried to invade the Ancient Mountains ⁠—albeit unsuccessfully⁠— multiple times. Ever since these failed invasions, Sleetspire has upped its defences and its inhabitants are fierce warriors that know their way through the treacherous mountains.


    Geographically, Lemuria is the second largest region in Odiria. It is the most fertile land, blessed with vast, blooming fields of crops and flowers, and numerous well-populated farming villages and cities. The green pastures of the land have over time become farmlands, filled with vineyards and grainfields. Most of Lemuria’s trade consists of livestock, crops, wine and fish. They have the strongest fleet and amongst its citizens are the best sailors in all the land.

    Lemuria is the richest country in Odiria, with its land strong with trading routes. Its people are the most welcoming and the lush areas attract visitors from Xaila and overseas. The relationship between Lemuria and the southern Kingdom of Xaila is the strongest in Odiria. Like the moon watches over the sun, Lemuria supports its neighbour by serving as breadbasket for the less fertile land down south. In return, the Xailans have taught the Lemurians how to navigate the stars so they could expand their trading routes overseas. They often trade with Ravaryn and are known to even be cordial to people from Avalon. Everyone is welcome in Lemuria, except the citizens of Ashmoor for whom the people of Lemuria bear a deep hatred. When Ashmoor began expanding their kingdom they forcefully took the city of Glimmerhollow from Lemuria. After this, the otherwise peaceful Lemurians were forced to up their defences to keep their kingdom safe and have defended their borders vigorously.


    The Fallen Kingdom of Avalon is the most independent and mysterious out of all. After the Crimson Raid, not much of its trade with the other countries remained. Most of the Avalon tribes are self-sufficient, living on whatever nature has to offer them. Its people are skilled hunters and know the most about the biodiversity of the land. The people of Avalon are secretive about the land they call home, which alludes to something more than trees and flowers being hidden in the forest. Its inhabitants do not like strangers; while the elves of Wealdstone capture them with their magic as soon as they cross their territory, the people of Aeredale are more violent and will try to wipe out anyone who comes too close for their liking.

    The only thing close to a relationship Avalon has with other lands is between its tribes and the Kingdom of Ravaryn, as they trade in weapons and other magical properties. There is a mutual understanding with the kingdoms of Lemuria and Xaila, whose citizens are allowed to travel through the land -with caution-. People from Ashmoor are treated with hostility as they have previously tried stealing Avalon’s magical artefacts. Any passer-throughs from Ashmoor will find themselves raided on the roads, if not much worse. The Everlasting Path to Falerien and the Ancient Way from Falerien toward Ravaryn pose as the only neutral roads through Avalon, which are also the only “safe” roads for travellers. When on these roads, one should technically be safe of any attacks, but nothing is guaranteed. Strangers should be wary of wandering into the forest because of poisonous plants, dangerous animals and unpredictable magic that flows through the trees. Especially near the Nocturnal Woods, the air is befouled with dark magic that can cause hallucinations.

    Nestled in the heart of the Fallen Kingdom's lush landscapes, the village camp of Aerilon stands as a refuge for those navigating the diverse terrains of Avalon. Serving as a gateway to the Everlasting Path, this small camp transcends conventional notions of a village, harmonising with the natural surroundings on the rainforest's fringes. Catering to travellers, Aerilon provides essential supplies at a premium cost. It also offers the potential assistance of local guides, though navigating their allegiances can be as perilous as braving the unpredictable forest.


    Even though Xaila is the largest of all kingdoms, it lacks natural resources. The sun elves are resilient, however, and adapted to this by becoming masters of trade. Ships filled with luxury goods from across the Sea of Durmar arrive in the harbour of Al-Qahil each day. They trade in spices, materials such as the finest silk and dyes. Therefore it is the third richest country, falling behind Lemuria and Ravaryn.

    The people of Xaila are heartwarming, but their trust is hard to win. In the long run, they are only truly loyal to their own kind. One would be foolish to infiltrate Xaila, as the barren wastelands are impossible to navigate, especially the Infernal Wilds. The Xailans are fierce warriors when on the battlefield. They have the closest relationship with Lemuria. Like the sun watches over the moon, the Xailans have taught the Lemurians how to navigate the stars. In return, Lemuria supports its neighbour by serving as a breadbasket for the less fertile land. People from Xaila often serve as guides for those from other lands, leading them to their flourishing capital Al-Qahil.


    Because of the hostility between Ashmoor and the other Odirian Kingdoms, the district has learned to rely on itself over the years. Its grasslands are perfect for fields of grain and to fill with farmlands. It doesn’t have many natural resources yet it has enough technology to make their lands fruitful enough for farm animals such as sheep and goats to live on.

    Ashmoor relies on trade from overseas, aside from goods they create themselves. The knowledge from overseas allows them to be more advanced in aspects of healing, yet they have no one to share their findings with but themselves. The district doesn’t trade with any of the Odirian Kingdoms, at least not in a legal manner. In the lower district of Alderrath one might find some Odirian products for sale, if you look hard enough. Foreigners are not welcome and magic is heavily frowned upon. As a human, you’ll be able to travel through the land, but elves would do well not to venture into these lands.