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  • Random Events
    Everything about random events
    As you might have noticed, TWT has some minor D&D aspects written in its game mechanics. Random events are one of those mechanics. There are two types of random events. Regular random events and quests. While both of these are very much alike in terms of how they work, we still take the time to explain the difference. Both of these events, however, will make use of dice rolls. Dice rolls will be explained later within this page.

    Random events

    Random events are events posted by the Game Master account. These events can happen within any thread. Random events are quite rare, and won't be posted within every thread. These events can also differ between smaller events which only contain one Game Master post, or a longer event which requires several interactions between the player and Game Master accounts. We can assure you that, whatever type of event you may encounter, your options of how to respond to said event will always be clear.

    If you happen to participate within a thread posted in a sub board that contains an (!) sign beside its name, it means that your character has the chance to encounter an event that is more dangerous than others. These events can leave your character with more serious injuries, depending on your rolls, so be aware of that when exploring the more dangerous parts of Odiria!


    Quests are similar to random events, but will not invade already existing threads. Quest threads are posted by the Game Master within random locations, and the first amount of players needed for the quest that will respond, will have claimed the quest. A quest is often posted from the viewpoint of an NPC who will need some brave characters to help them with whatever task they need help for. A quest is always tied to a reward as well. Some things to keep in mind:

    • Please do not post within quest threads if you do not intend on finishing them. Since quest threads, like random events, are quite rare. It would not be fair to let down your fellow questmate and member by not responding to the quest anymore, making it unable to finish and claim its rewards.

    • Your character has to be able to realistically reach the quest, meaning that if your character's most recent thread is taking place within Xaila, your character cannot magically teleport to Ravaryn to take on a certain quest posted within Ishgard.

    Dice rolls

    Dice rolls are rolls made by the staff within a private channel in the discord server. After these rolls, the staff will post the results of your rolls within your event thread. Rolls are done using a d20, aka a twenty-eyed-dice. The number of the dice decides whether your character succeeds in what they're trying to accomplish within the event (for example, opening a locked door or trying to pet a unicorn). Low numbers will make your character fail your action. The lower the number, the more horribly your character will fail. The same goes for higher numbers. The higher the number, the better your character will succeed in doing their task. Two special numbers include 1 and 20. If your character rolls a 1, not only will your action fail, but your character will have the chance to injure themselves or their thread partner by doing so. The more dangerous the action you're trying to perform, the higher the consequences of a rolled 1. If you manage to roll a 20, however, your character will not only effortlessly succeed in what they are trying to achieve, but most likely gain something extra with it. Whether it's an item or a special kind of interaction, depending on the situation.


    It is possible for any type of random event to turn into a battle thread. This happens as soon as you encounter a neutral or unfriendly creature. Neutral creatures will only attack once you decide to attack them. Unfriendly creatures will always attack your character if you don't decide to flee. Fleeing before a battle has started is always allowed and is not an action that will be rolled for. However, fleeing while the battle has already started is a rolled action and can be attempted three times in total. More about the concept of actual battles can be found within the Combat section of the guidebook!
    The Travelling Merchant
    Rumours have been spreading like wildfire throughout Odiria, that a travelling merchant has set foot on Odiria's shores, carrying all sorts of rare and exclusive items with him. The rumour also states that the coin does not spark his interest. This mysterious figure hasn't actually been spotted yet. Could it be nothing more than just a legend, or would it be able to come across this mysterious merchant..?