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  • Bloodlines
    Everything about the realm's important bloodlines
    This section of the guidebook unravels the intricate web of bloodlines in Odiria. It delves into the legacy of royal, governor, and sorcerer families, weaving a tale of alliances, rivalries, and the delicate balance of power. In the labyrinth of Odirian politics, bloodlines provide a captivating glimpse into the familial threads that shape the destiny of this magical realm.

    General Information

    In Odiria, key bloodlines hold pivotal roles across its regions. In Ravaryn, Ashmoor, and Xaila, a sole ruler governs each country, while Lemuria is overseen by a council. Avalon, in a state of decay, lacks a ruler. The Ruling House, be it a Royal family or Dukes (such as in the Ashmoor district) stands above all. Next come the noble lineages, following that are the sorcerer lineages. The noble and sorcerer bloodlines are always aligned with their country's ruling house.

    Noble bloodlines commit loyalty, taxes, and resources to their ruling house, who, in turn, provides protection and grants land. However, the land ultimately remains under the ownership of the ruling house. For instance, in Ravaryn, the Ylindars retain ownership of the entire land, while the noble bloodlines govern specific territories and cities. Sorcerer bloodlines usually do not govern any land the way noble families do (except for the Vylasar family), but they serve their ruling family or council as protectors and advisors.

    In terms of significance, influence, and wealth, the hierarchy typically follows this order: the ruling family of the entire country (excluding Avalon and Lemuria, where multiple families serve on the council) holds the highest position, followed by governors, barons, and sorcerer families. Other important families are subsequently placed in the hierarchy.
    Ruling Bloodlines

    Daetrys Family

    Royal Family of Xaila
    Loyalty Xaila
    Residence Al-Qahil
    Head Queen Radhja Daetrys
    Magic Sun Magic
    Alliances to other bloodlines AERENDYL, ELARIS, YLINDAR, ZINYRA
    Enemies Ashmoor

    The strong and resilient sun elves of the Daetrys bloodline have been ruling over Xaila ever since its founding. As polyamory plays a huge part in Xailan culture, the Daetrys line is the biggest ruling bloodline in all of Odiria. Even though accepting of other races living within their kingdom, it is strictly forbidden for anyone carrying this surname to have children with a non-sun elf, as they believe their race is the rightful ruling race of the kingdom. When this happens and a child comes out as something other than a sun elf, they are denied the royal surname.

    Winter Family (ASH.)

    Dukes of Ashmoor
    Loyalty Ashmoor
    Residence Alderrath
    Head Duke Edward Winter
    Magic None
    Alliances to other bloodlines ECKHART, GRIMALDI
    Enemies The Rest of Odiria

    The ruling family of Ashmoor has evolved from the strong and influential Winters. Through the years the information of how and why the Winters came into power has gotten lost, but there is no doubt that they are the rightful rulers. That they make sure of. They keep a tight hold on the people of Ashmoor, making sure that things run smoothly and no one steps out of line. They are not cruel, but have a very strong vision for Ashmoor and are certain that theirs is the only way for the district to reach its full potential. The current leader is Edward Winter, who is married to Cassandra. They have only one child, and therefore their daughter Alison is next in line to take over power.

    Ylindar Family

    Royal Family of Ravaryn
    Loyalty Ravaryn
    Residence Ishgard
    Head King Orion Ylindar
    Magic None
    Alliances to other bloodlines AERENDYL, DAETRYS, TRYGG, RIZAL
    Enemies Ashmoor

    The Ylindar family is the royal house of the Kingdom of Ravaryn. Ever since the kingdom’s founding the family has ruled over the vast region from their seat in Ishgard. They are the oldest line of Odirian nobility. Faith has always been closely intertwined with the ruling family and they proudly worship the deity Ranaan. The ruling family's symbol, the chalice, comes from their relationship with the High Priests that have stood by their side since the founding of the kingdom. The relationship between the church and the monarchy has always been a close one, with the High Priest often being the most trusted advisor to a ruler. The Ylindar’s history is tainted with an association to dark elves, yet they managed to persevere their rule by exterminating this threat long ago. This gained the family the eternal loyalty of the people, which they gratefully returned. Seen as righteous, just and determined, the Ylindar family is greatly respected throughout the kingdom. The family isn’t as large as others but they are exceptionally tight-knit and fiercely protective of each other, as well as their people. Because of this, they are often referred to as ‘the wolves of Ishgard’. After all, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.
    Noble Bloodlines

    Aerendyl Family

    Governors of Silvercrest
    Loyalty Lemuria
    Residence Silvercrest
    Head Governor Andreas Aerendyl
    Magic Moon Magic
    Alliances to other bloodlines DAETRYS, ELAÉYDAR, YLINDAR
    Enemies Ashmoor

    “The most noble and ancient Aerendyl family”, this is how they’re described. The words in front of the family name are as much a part of it as the family name itself is. The Aerendyl family is one of the oldest moon elf families in Odiria who are the picture of wealth and sophistication. The family has been governing Silvercrest for over a hundred years and their relationship with the (previously) royal family has always been a close one. The fact that they rule Silvercrest is seen as perfectly fair by the family. They are known to be elitist, classist and sometimes even racist. They are independently wealthy, with no need to work for a living. Their sigil is a silver crescent moon on a sapphire blue coat.

    They are true supremacists: they place great importance on moon elves’ supremacy over other creatures such as humans and mages. Their perfect view of the world sees Lemuria ruled by moon-elves alone, the way it was and should always be. Their views have always been seen as traditional. Though the family is inclined to blood-purity, they are unwilling to practise close inbreeding (siblings, first cousins). They'll often resort to marrying distant cousins if they can't find another noble moon elf family to pair with.

    With their white hair, often blue or violet eyes and tall appearance, this family is everything a traditional moon-elf should be. They are usually gifted with magic and practise this to great extent as they see it as a divine gift by their patron Lythrana.

    Elaris Family

    Loyalty Daetrys Family (XA.)
    Residence Zahriyah
    Head Chieftain Axera Elaris
    Magic Sun Magic
    Alliances to other bloodlines DAETRYS, ZINYRA
    Enemies Ashmoor

    Coming soon.

    Eckhart Family (ASH.)

    Barons of Glimmerhollow
    Loyalty Winter Family (Ash.)
    Residence Glimmerhollow
    Head Baron Frederick Eckhart
    Magic None
    Alliances to other bloodlines WINTER
    Enemies The Rest of Odiria

    Coming soon.

    Grimaldi Family (ASH.)

    Barons of Dawnmire
    Loyalty Winter Family (Ash.)
    Residence Dawnmire
    Head Baron Victor Grimaldi
    Magic None
    Alliances to other bloodlines WINTER
    Enemies The Rest of Odiria

    Coming soon.

    Trygg Family (Norwyn)

    Governors of Norwyn
    Residence Norwyn
    Head Governor Erek Trygg
    Magic None
    Alliances to other bloodlines YLINDAR, TRYGG OF SLEETSPIRE
    Enemies Ashmoor

    Coming soon.

    Trygg Family (Sleetspire)

    Governors of Sleetspire
    Residence Sleetspire
    Head Governess Rán Trygg
    Magic None
    Alliances to other bloodlines YLINDAR, TRYGG OF NORWYN
    Enemies Ashmoor

    Coming soon.

    Vylasar Family

    Governors of Lythrania
    Loyalty LEMURIA
    Residence Lythrania
    Head Governor Peter Vylasar
    Magic Summoning
    Alliances to other bloodlines NONE
    Enemies Ashmoor, Rizal

    More information to be found under Sorcerer Families.
    Sorcerer Bloodlines
    The sorcerer bloodlines within Odiria are well respected bloodlines that can be traced back to when the kingdoms were first founded. The bravest mage of each kingdom was chosen to inherit their current guardian dragon's blood, and thus their magic. It is not rare for sorcerers within Odiria to hold high positions within their kingdoms. Whether they are High Priests, royal advisors or part of the Lemurian Council. Unlike regular bloodlines, sorcerer families have certain rules that may seem odd to some. These are the most important OOC and IC rules for sorcerers:

    • Sorcerer children inherit the family name tied to the type of sorcerer magic they inherit. So a Rizal x Vylasar child that carries the gift of summoning, will always be a Vylasar for example. If they do not inherit any magic, it is up to the family to decide which last name they'll receive.
    • It is common for sorcerer families to arrange marriage for their children with other sorcerer bloodlines. It is possible that a child has to marry a faraway cousin sometimes, but the families do try their best to avoid such situations
    • Sorcerers are always human. An elf cannot inherit sorcerer magic. Same goes for a sorcerer x elf child. They will either inherit the elf race from their elf parent, or be born a regular human.

    The following sorcerer bloodlines are the only bloodlines known to the citizens of Odiria. The bloodline of Avalon has always been a mystery, even before the Crimson Raid. Whether they are still alive or not, or what type of magic their dragon had given them is not known.

    Rizal Family

    Residence Ishgard
    Head Camilla Rizal
    Magic Divination
    Alliances to other bloodlines YLINDAR, ZINYRA
    Enemies Ashmoor, Vylasar

    The Rizal family carries the gift of divination, granted to them by Ylindar. Divination magic implies that the user is being able to see the future. Whether it is through prophecies, vague images, through cards or ruins or even dreams. Each divination sorcerer has their own way of practising and using their gift. They cannot exactly tell you your future with full accuracy, but will mostly use symbolism or vague prompts to do so. The Rizal family is known for their dark eyes and silver hair, traits that hold a lot of value and status within their family. Those who do not have inherited their recognisable silver locks commonly have black or darker hair. Their eyes are often referred to as the eyes of crows.

    Their family crest is depicted as a crow on top of a skull. Crows are often associated with good or bad signs in terms of fortune telling. As for the skull, unfortunately the experiences of fortune telling are related to death or despair for many of those who dared to seek out such knowledge. However, most divination sorcerers do not fear death. By many it is viewed as the end of a cycle, but the beginning of something new.

    IC information

    As of now, the people believe Camilla to have reclaimed her gift of divination. This is not true, as she uses Alyssia and her gift as a pawn to maintain her fortune-telling High Priestess status. Whether your character believes this or not is up to you, but keep in mind that it is believed by most of the kingdom.
    Since the death of Elyon and the takeover of Peter Vylasar as Governor, the Vylasar and Rizal family have had a bad relationship and unstable alliance.

    Vylasar Family

    Loyalty LEMURIA
    Residence Lythrania
    Head Governor Peter Vylasar
    Magic Summoning
    Alliances to other bloodlines NONE
    Enemies Ashmoor, Rizal

    The Vylasar family stems from the blood of Laphiss, and was given the power to summon mighty, celestial beasts. Through their staff which is custom to each sorcerer and their celestial familiar, they can summon their beast through a self proclaimed spell. This spell is different from each summoner, and can be a phrase or simply a word. Each sorcerer has one celestial familiar they're able to summon. Even though this beast is nothing more than a source of energy, sorcerers and their familiars often seem to have an unbreakable bond. Perhaps, these beasts are only able to feel emotions towards their creator.

    Their family crest is depicted as shooting stars. The concept of shooting stars is related to their celestial familiars, and the sorcerers who have helped within many battles by summoning those. Celestial familiars are seen as divine, even as minor deities to some. it is not uncommon for those who have been saved by a summoner and their celestial familiar, to take the type of animal as their guardian animal, or a sign of good luck or comfort. Some even get the animal tattooed on their skin.

    IC information

    Since the death of Elyon and the takeover of Peter Vylasar as Governor, the Vylasar and Rizal family have had a bad relationship and unstable alliance.

    Zinyra Family

    Loyalty DAETRYS FAMILY (XA.)
    Residence Al-Qahil
    Head Damura Zinyra
    Magic Necromancy
    Alliances to other bloodlines DAETRYS, ELARIS, RIZAL
    Enemies Ashmoor

    Gifted to them by the dragon Jhaan, the Zinyra family was granted the gift of Necromancy. A feared gift by many, even a forbidden practice within any other kingdom than Xaila. Necromancy is the ability to bring those who have died back to life. However, their souls cannot be restored in the process. Bringing a dead person back to live makes them a hollow vessel, a slave to its newly found master that has brought him back to the realm of the living. They have no free will, nor a heart, soul or any emotions. They cannot speak as well. Their only purpose is to obey the one who has given them a second chance at life. Necromancy is a forbidden practice within all of Odiria, except for Xaila. With permission from the current ruler, there are a few exceptions in which necromancy is allowed. A battlefield in which the kingdom is holding a losing hand, for example. Many necromancers secretly use animals in order to practise their gift.

    Their family crest is depicted as two bones connected by a circle. The bones represent the physical bodies of those they try to resurrect. The circle represents the circle of life which they have to disturb to do so. A necromancer with respect for the cycle of life and death does not use their gift unless necessary, and respects the concept of life and death as a whole.