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  • Bestiary
    Everything about Odiria's creatures
    The realm of Odiria is home to many creatures known to us in the regular world, but a fair amount of magical creatures also thrive within the different regions of the realm. Some are friendly, some of them very dangerous. They could be encountered at any time. Within random events or quests. In this page of the guidebook you will find everything about the realm’s magical creatures. From where they live to what items they may drop when defeated. This page will only cover the mystical creatures, the regular flora & fauna can be found within the allegiance pages of the Guidebook.

    Note: While you can encounter any beast mentioned below, it doesn't mean that you have to fight them when encountering them. Whether they engage in combat or not is up to your character's actions. Even if you manage to screw up and a creature attacks, you can always choose to flee the battle. It is not possible to decide for yourself whether or not you encounter one of the following beasts in your thread.
    Friendly Encounters
    Friendly encounters will be safe for your character to interact with, as long as they do not try to attack them. Attacking them will be the only trigger for them to turn hostile. They cannot be triggered into battle by being startled or surprised. Friendly encounters will have a chance to drop or lead you to an item or artefact.

    White Marsh

    The "White Marsh'' is a cow-like creature that roams the realm of Odiria without a final or permanent destination. It is more of a legend than a known creature, as not many have had the chance to lay eyes on it. The beast has a recognisable, white pelt. Paired with two pairs of hooves. The horns on its head give it quite the dangerous appearance, but it won't use them unless truly necessary. It is about the hip-height of an average human. It is believed to predict that a deadly plague will sweep through in the next few years, but it's also a guardian spirit of herbal medicine. Those who may encounter it may have a hard time figuring out the meaning behind the encounter. There is only one of its species.
    Region Anywhere
    Weapon ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀None
    Item Varies

    Neutral Encounters
    Neutral encounters won't immediately attack you in the first instance. They often take a neutral approach when having an encounter with your character. Depending on their actions, they will either stay neutral or friendly, or will try to attack your character. For these characters to drop their item they have to be defeated. However, they might be of other use if you decide to stay friendly…


    While not many are left, there are still some centaurs dwelling through the realm. These wise, strong and well-respected demi-humans are known not to be fond of humanoid races. The only race they do have a certain respect for are the elves. They are wise beyond measure and have very long lifespans, if not killed that is. The ones roaming the realm today can be hundreds of years. They age much slower than humanoid races. Killing or harming a centaur is frowned upon in both Avalon and Lemuria.
    Region ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ AV,⠀LE
    Item Varies


    A pegasus is a winged horse which symbolises wisdom, poetry, and inspiration. Unlike a unicorn they do not possess any form of magic. Their mighty wings, however, makes pegasi a valuable and wanted mount. Mounted pegasi are rare, as pegasi are immensely hard to tame. The best chances at taming a pegasus to the point of being able to mount it, is to raise it as a young foal. This is why pregnant pegasi are even more rare and sought after than regular pegasi. Some have even tried to breed them themselves, without success. Pegasi will not breed in captivity. If not properly tamed, they will spend their lives trying to escape from their capturers. Legend states that only those with the purest of hearts will be able to interact with a wild pegasus.
    Region ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ AV,⠀LE
    Weapon HOOVES
    Item UNKNOWN


    Unicorns are majestic horses, blessed with a horn in which they store magical energy. Unlike the humanoid creatures of Odiria, a unicorn's magic is not tied to a source; it is its own source. A unicorn's magic is mostly good for healing purposes. It is said to be able to cure the deepest of wounds, even broken bones. It can even restore amputated arms or legs. The only thing it cannot restore is vital organs. Legend says that a unicorn can only be captured by a virgin maiden. Others most likely won't have any success when trying. Besides being healers, they are very dangerous when hostile. Their powerful horns can pierce through almost anything. When killed, a unicorn horn can be looted. Unicorn horns are a popular item among dark mages.
    Region⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ AV,⠀LE
    Weapon HOOVES, HORN
    ItemUnicorn horn
    Unfriendly Encounters
    Unfriendly encounters will almost always try to attack your character. If you do not wish to engage in combat, your best option is to escape as fast as possible. These encounters cannot be reasoned with. They are to be defeated or fled from. If you manage to defeat them, however, they might drop some valuable items.


    Mimics are shape changing creatures, able to take the shape of any inanimate object. They are mostly known for taking the shape of chests and doors, sometimes even furniture. A mimic will not attack unless interacted with. When trying to open the chest that is actually a mimic, for example. After being interacted with, the object they have shapeshifted into will reveal its rows of sharp teeth and pairs of bloodthirsty eyes. Be careful! Mimics could hide everywhere…
    Region ANYWHERE
    Weapon TEETH
    Item VARIES


    Sirens take the shape of the most beautiful mermaids, luring nearby sailors with their enchanting voices and harp music, often leading them to shipwreck. Beside the sea itself, they are often found on small islands within the seas. Their islands are surrounded by a rocky coast, in which shipwreck is often inevitable. It is also said that they are able to manipulate the wind surrounding them. After luring the men to their deaths, they feast upon their hearts. Women are immune to siren's voices, even those attracted to other women.
    Region LE
    Weapon CLAWS
    Item CLAWS


    Sandworms are ginormous worms, armed with many rows of sharp teeth going all around their mouths. Full-grown sandworms can become hundreds of metres in length. The biggest one ever seen is about 400 metres long. They have long lifespans, about a hundred years. Baby or 'teenage' worms are smaller in size, but still rather big. They hide themselves within the dunes and sand of the Infernal Wilds within Xaila. They are one of the many reasons why crossing the desert without proper guidance is dangerous. Life-threatening even.
    Region XA
    Weapon crushing weight & teeth
    ItemSandworm Tooth

    The Kraken

    The kraken is a feared creature within Odiria. It inhabits the bottom of Odiria's seas, waiting for unsuspecting sailors to sail across its domain. Nobody who has ever encountered the kraken lived to tell the tale, but sightings of the beast from afar are claimed to have been confirmed. When encountering the kraken, there's not much you can do. Praying to Lythrana, the goddess of the seas, would be your only chance at survival.
    Region THE SEAS
    Weapon TENTACLES
    Item UNKNOWN

    Undead Soldiers

    Undead soldiers are the remains of the soldiers that once guarded the Kingdom of Avalon during the Crimson Raid. A curse activated by an ancient Avalon artefact prevents them from being able to have their eternal rest. Nothing about their previous appearance remained intact, except for their hollow skeletons. Some of them even mount undead horses. These horses have died with them on the day of the Crimson Raid, which has bound horse and rider together for eternity. Undead Soldiers cannot be killed. They can, however, be eliminated for a short amount of time. After defeating an undead soldier, its remains will come back to live during the next full moon. Undead soldiers hold the most power during an eclipse.
    Region AV
    Weapon BOWS, SWORDS